Heart broken

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Beca and Jessie had been dating for a few months now. So have aubrey and Stacie. And everyone had just came back from spring brake and it was the first day back to school. "Hey chlo!" Beca said sitting next to her in the library "Hey" Chloe smiled at her. She then looked over and saw Jessie coming and sitting at the table "Hey becs" He pecked her on the lips "Hey jess, where have you been?" Beca asked but almost like she really didn't care "Around" he said. Beca nodded her head "cool" .

"Where have you been chlo? Beca asked "My dorm" Chloe laughed "you haven't been around as much, I'm missing you" "I miss you too" Chloe looked at Beca and smiled, she faked one trying not to let Beca See the pain behind it, but little did she know it didn't work. Chloe had been avoiding Jessie pretty much they started dating but she's trying to ignore her feelings and be there in the same room as them.

"Hey chlo, come here for a sec" Aubrey said "Kk" Chloe stood up and walked over to where Aubrey was "I'm proud of you!" Aubrey said putting her arm around chloe "you are?" Chloe asked "yea, you're sitting there watching them together" "Yeah" Chloe said hurting and looked down "you should tell her how you feel" Stacie said .

"why? She's dating Jessie and she's happy, so why ruin it?" Chloe asked "Because, who knows , maybe the fact that she doesn't think you'll like her back is the reason she is with Jessie, maybe it will make her see that she isn't happy with Jessie. And if it's neither of those at least she knows and you have it off your chests" Chloe looked over at Beca then back at them "you're right, I should" "Just not in front of Jessie, you don't wanna hurt him" Chloe looked over and nodded they went and sat back down

"Hey Beca wanna come watch a movie with me and Chloe tonight?" Aubrey asked "like a girls night?" "Sure!" Beca said happy "What about our date Aub?" Stacie asked "Oh, right, well I guess it will just be you and Chlo then" Aubrey said smirking as she walked away while holding Stacie's hand.  

Chloe sat back down "So what time?" Beca asked "could you come at 5?"      "Sure!" Beca said happily "great, well I'll see you then" chloe said. Chloe got up and put all her stuff in her backpack and left "bye chlo see ya soon!!" Beca said as she walked away.  

It was 4 so Beca left to go get ready and Chloe's in her dorm setting up. She has snacks, games, drinks, and more games she knows Beca hates movies so she didn't pick a movie out. Chloe looked at the time 4:50. She'll be here soon. Chloe scrambled to her closet and found some skinny jeans and a tang top. She got dressed and started to think about how she wanted to tell Beca that she liked her. When she herd a knock on the door.

I love you. I think  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon