The cup

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Chloe was still blown away by how amazing Beca sounded and she couldn't stop thinking about it as they were cleaning up.

"Hey Chloe can you sweep in the back?" Aubrey asked her handing her a broom "Yea sure thing" Chloe took the broom and went into the back.

I mean today wasn't that bad there were some pretty good singers. More the I thought there would be. More then me or Aubrey thought.

Especially Beca I mean come on her voice was so calming and if she sang Chloe a song to put her asleep she'd fall right asleep, but at the same time her voice is so good and amazing that I'd wanna stay up just to listen to her voice.

Jeez, and that feeling in my stomach after she stoped singing I can't get over either.

"Chloe?" Chloe dropped the broom and turned around "Beca! Hey!" Chloe said slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you " Beca said feeling bad and walking towards Chloe  "It's okay you just surprised me ,that's all I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't expect you to be there"

Chloe said turning a little red out of embarrassment "Again I'm sorry," They stood there in silence for a little bit "Oh! Um I kinda stole your cup" Beca said

"Not on purpose!! I just forgot to give it back" Beca held Chloe's cup out "Oh thank you!" Chloe grabbed the cup and her stomach turned again when they touched hands. 

"I um- so" Chloe stuttered "can I have your number" Chloe blurted out

"Cause you know To tell you if you got in" Chloe said saving herself  "Right" Beca said. Chloe pulled out her phone and gave it to Beca. Beca took her phone and  put her number in and saved it as "Badass DJ"

And Chloe did the same and saved hers as "The cute ginger" Chloe gave Beca her phone back and Beca took hers back and laughed at what chloe saved her name as.

"Badass huh?" Chloe said giggling "Yeah I'm a badass" Beca said "Sure" Chloe said "Cute ginger?" Beca asked

"Well I'm cute, and a ginger"  Chloe said "You're not wrong" Beca lugged and put her phone back in her pocket.

That made Chloe blush at Becas smile and laugh and the fact she just called her cute made her heart melt.

Beca just looked around while Chloe was sweeping "Do you need any help?" Beca asked "No I think I got it" Chloe said Damn it chloe! You just blew a chance to be with her longer she thought to herself

"I mean unless you want to?"  She said You gotta shut your mouth Beale you're just making it more obvious. Chloe thought to herself .

She's look over at Beca who had a broom and was sweeping with a big smile on her face "Oh I didn't even give you a choice to answer I was sweeping before you even said unless I wanted to"

Beca said in a kind of badass way but Chloe could see past the badass and knew it was cause she wanted to be helpful.

"Well I appreciate the help" Chloe smiled "You're welcome" Beca said "You're so cute" Chloe said then went wide eyed for a moment realizing what she didn't mean to say out loud , she said out loud

Beca just smiled and brushed it off. "Um, I'm sorry But Beca! You're gonna have to leave" said a voice breaking the awkward silence.

"we're trying to clean up and you just auditions for the Bellas so no talking your way in, now bye" Aubrey said in a bitchy way As she was waking up to them and shewing Beca out the door

"Bye Chloe" she waved    "Bye Beca!" Chloe waved back.

Once the door was closed Aubrey turned and glared at Chloe. Well until she realized how happy she was a few seconds ago when Beca was in the room but is now upset cause she's gone.

"I'm sorry it's just-" Aubrey tried to say "Yeah, I know it's just the rules" Chloe said rolling her eyes with her head down sweeping.

Beca went back to her dorm and got into her pjs and laid on her bed waiting for a text, she didn't know what for or who from.

But she knew she was waiting for one. She never got one and decided to go to bed.

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