I have a situation

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It was becoming the end of the semester. Chloe,Aubrey,Stacie.Fat Amy and Beca we're outside studying for exams.

Chloe sat in between Aubrey and Beca. And Stacie sat across from Aubrey and Fat Amy sat next to Stacie.

They were all studying pretty hard they didn't even noticed CR came and sat down by Fat Amy. Until Beca looked up and saw her "Oh,Hey C!" Beca said as her pencil fell on the ground.

"Hey B" Beca bent down and grabbed her Pencil and Chloe looked over at her "Hey littlered" Cynthia said Chloe looked over at her "heyyyy" Cynthia gave her a I know what your up to but I won't tell anyone look as Chloe was looking at becas ass.

"Hey chlo" Beca said sitting back up straight and putting her pencil on the table "Hey even tho I've been here this hole time"

Chloe said joking with her. Chloe went back to study and she was looking at her notes "Hey Aubrey?"   "Yea?" Aubrey said looking next to her at chloe "um did you ever see me take notes?" Chloe asked worried.

"Umm, now that I think about it no, why?"  Aubrey asked also a little worried "cause I don't think I did take any notes"  Chloe said flipping threw pages of her note book.

"what do you mean?" Beca asked "I don't know" Chloe looked at Beca then at her note book "Aubrey can I talk to you?" She looked up at Aubrey "alone?"    "Yeah"  they stood up and walked away from everyone

"I didn't take notes!! I can't think straight in that class, seance Beca sits right in front of me!!!"    "Omg that's not good, it's cute! But not good" Aubrey said "No it's not!! Me being in love with Beca isn't the best time right now" Chloe said "aww your in love" "Yes Aubrey I am" Chloe yelled at her "Hey laddies" There teacher said walking up to them "Hey" Chloe said trying to calm down. "So Chloe can I talk to you?"     "Sure" Chloe said way nicer then she was just talking to Aubrey   "So your grades have been really off lately and like somethings just in your mind. But I'm anyways you have midterms to make it up and if not you're gonna fail this class" she said in the nicest way possible "have a nice day now laddies"    "Thank you ,you too" Aubrey said so chloe wouldn't  blow up and the teacher walked away.

Meanwhile at the table with the Bellas "You like herrr" Stacie said teasing Beca "no, I don't, no idea what you're talking about" . Jessie came and sat down  "Beca can I ask you something?"   Jessie asked "sure"Beca said

"What am I going to- " Chloe looked over at the table they were sitting at witch was now full with Stacie,Fat Amy, beca, Stacie ,Lily, Ashley and Jessica . Chloe saw how much fun they were having and just smiled "If I fail , at least I get another year with these weirdos"   "There you go!! Look on the bright side" Aubrey said wrapping her arm around chloe "Let's go back" Chloe said as she started walking back to the table.

"Hey!!" She said sitting next to Beca and Aubrey sitting next to her "Hey" Beca said back and Chloe looked at Jessie "Hi?"   "Hey"    "Why are you here?" Chloe asked Jessie "I came over to ask Beca out" Chloe started laughing then realized that no one else is laughing "Oh, you're serious?"   "Yes, he is and I said yes"  chloe forced a smile "I'm happy for you" Beca said she grabbed her phone and her backpack and got up and walked away "Chlo!" Aubrey said as she followed her.

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