Goodbyes are hard

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"I hate to ruin such a good moment for you two, but Chloe does leave in 2 hours" Aubrey said.

"Fuck" Beca said.  "Well, what are you waiting for?" Chloe smiled at Beca. Beca looked confused and Chloe rolled her eyes.

She took Becas hand and dragged her to the parking lot where Chloe's black jeep wrangle was sitting. "Let's go on a date." 

They both jumped into the car and started driving. They had gotten so lost into the conversation, Chloe almost was late for her flight.

"Will you be okay driving the jeep back?" Chloe asks as their standing in the airport. "Of course Chlo, go have fun"

Chloe hugged beca tight one last time. Beca hugged her back hiding the tears that are forming in her eyes. "You'll kill it"

Beca watched Chloe walk off in the distance and slowly walked back to her car and got in. She enjoyed the smell of Chloe as she drove the whole way back to campus. 

"You made Chloe leave without saying goodbye to me!" Aubrey said the second Beca entered the building. "That is not my fault, Chloe was driving and Chloe was the one who wanted to leave"

Aubrey laughed "I'm messing with you. Also we still have rehearsals tomorrow so I suggest getting some rest" Beca rolled her eyes at Aubrey and went back to her dorm where her weird roommate was.

"I switched us. Amy is gonna be in here now." She didn't give Beca a chance to say anything else and left with all her belongings. "Uh.ok"

She laid down in bed staring at her phone, hoping maybe Chloe texted her. She didn't. So she used and excuse to text her.

Cute ginger;)

Hey, I just wanted  
                                      you to know I made it

Is that really it?
Or are you missing
me already?
I guess you'll
never know.

Beca felt relived hearing from her again, also knowing that she isn't completely insane for missing Chloe so soon.

It's the next morning and Beca was woken up by her alarm clock for early morning class. She looked at her phone and saw a text from Chloe.

"Hey becs, made it to my moms house" Beca smiled instantly and replied. "Are you sure you didn't just miss me". She put her phone down and got ready for class.

She walked across the street to go to her computer class. She was so tired she almost forgot about the Bella's. "After practice I can start moving in if that's okay with you" Fat Amy said walking up to her.

"Oh right, practice is in one hour. Yeah that works" she says and heads back into her dorm. She plops down on her bed and opens her phone up.

"Already? I'm no sociopath" she saw the text from Chloe and smiled. How much she just missed her voice already. Before she had the chance to reply her phone was ringing.

"Chloe!" She said excitedly answering the phone. "So you do miss me?" Beca rolls her eyes. "Of course not" Chloe chuckles.

"I just wanted to see how things are holding up there with the Bella's." "The Bella's are perfectly fine Chlo" "so you guys have had a meeting and it went fine?"

"Not yet, but in a few hours we will and I'm sure it'll go great. We all learned from the best" Chloe instantly felt better. "Alright, well I'll check back in soon okay?"

"You called just for that?" "Yes, cause I'm a sane person and don't miss you." She teases. "Oh alright, bye Chloe." "Bye Becs." Beca hung up.

She practically skipped down the hall to rehearses because she was so happy about talking to Chloe.

Hey guys!! I know it's been literally forever but I've been so so busy and honestly had major writers block. I'm here with some ideas so I'm gonna give them a try! I hope you enjoy and give any feedback on what you wanna see/think I could do better, thank you!!

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