♡Chapter 15♡

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Louis' Pov,

I sigh desperetly in fustration as I shut my car door close. I make my way towards the 1D house and groan. My day just keeps getting better and better.

I put on my best fake smile and do a little wave towards Harry and ignore Rajesh. Harry and Rajesh have been attached from hip to hip these past few days and trust me when I say that it gets annoying.

I slam my bedroom door shut and bellyflop onto my bed. If your wondering what got me so stressed. Its becuase of that stupid lad Rajesh! He's been driving me insane! All he ever does is come over and cuddle with Harry.

Its so annoying to see them all cuddly on the couch, its just so gross. I sigh and just let my anger out on a fluffy white pillow thats know thrown across the room.

This anger has been seriously getting out of control. First me and Rajesh almost got into some stupid fight, now when ever that son of a b**** comes I'm always in a bad mood. Like right now.

I just came from starbucks because lately I've been craving their new cranberry milkshake. Its so good and amazing that almost everyday I'm out of the house and buying the sugary liquid.

Since today is our last day at the 1D house, it would make since to start to pack for the tour.

I let out a fusterated groan as I get out of my comfortable bed and start to look for my suitcase. I scan through my closet and find my lavindar suitecase.

I fish it out from the back of my closet and immedietly start grabbing clothers from the hangers, shelves and drawers

I stuff all my clothers in my suite case but I still feel like I'm missing something...I truly am so stupid.

I have all my clothers in the suite case. But no underwear. I roll my eyes at my stupidity and grab some underwear from one of the many drawers.

I stuff them into my suite case and walk to my bathroom to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and place it in a small little compartment in the suite case.

I smile to myself. Finally packed. I decide to treat my self becasue first time in forever and a half I've done something without being told.

I walk downstairs where again Harry is with that a**hole Rajesh. I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen and scan through the fridge.


I close the door gently and look through the kitchen cabinets and smirk when I find a declicious pack of oreos.

I open the pack and walk back to the living room where now and thankfully Harry is alone. I take a seat next to him and he looks at me a little confused.

"Don't act suprise Harry" I offer him one of the choclate biscuts, he hestinatly takes one and places it in his mouth.

"Why are you here?" He asks munching on the cookie

"I live here?"

"I know that, just why are you sitting down next to me?" Harry asks

"Why not?" I say as I place one of the biscuts in my mouth.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asks

"Sure" I say as I look at him

"Why don't you like Rajesh?"

"Honestly, I have a bad feeling about the lad" I say, its not entirely saying the truth.

"Look, Louis. He's a good mate to have. Give him a chance" Harry says, I let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Fine, I'll give him a chance" I say under my breath, Harry smiles widely.

A small smile appears on my face as I look at him.

I made him smile..

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