Thermonuclear Weapons

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Thank you soooooo much for all the love and support I've gotten in this story. I mean, we're almost up to 1K views!!! That's insane!!! It's honestly beyond my wildest dreams that people would actually WANT to read my work. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Anyway sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger! I hope this satisfies your curiosity.

Erica turns and stops midway towards the door. Her eyes went wide in shock.

“What is it?” At my pause, she says, “This isn't a movie. We can't have dramatic pauses! What, are you waiting for some background music?”

I ignored her comment. My mind was racing a mile a minute. I had to get some information first before I make wild assumptions.

“Wait, when’s Joshua getting back?” I asked hurriedly.

“Sometime tomorrow I think.” She said cautiously, “Why? What does that have to do with it?”

“He's in Sankibali, right? With King Tablin?”

“Yes…? Ben, what is it?!” Erica growled in frustration.

“Okay,” I knew we didn't have much time, so I tried to explain everything I knew as quickly as possible, “I was in the media center a while ago and on the news, there was something about a country, Zoombiaz, getting in the United Nations while Sankibali was mad because they've been begging for the chance to join them but denied every time. I forgot about it until you said Joshua was doing business in Sankibali, presumably for King Tablin to pay SPYDER to get back at Zoombiaz. That's my guess. How, I don't know. But when you said Sankibali, it registered in my head.”

Erica paused to wait for more information but realized there wasn't any. Yes, I know it is a hunch, but it's too coincidental. As Cyrus said, there's no such thing as a coincidence.

“That's it? That's all of your evidence? Joshua happens to go to some place that was on the news? Come'on Ben, even you know that's not enough evidence.”

“Yes, I know how it looks but it can't be a coincidence.”

“But what does it have to do with you and Audrey and spy school then? It must connect somehow. If what you're saying is true, wouldn't Audrey play a part in it as a mole?”

“I don't know. I can't remember Audrey asking me to do something completely out of the ordinary. Except…” I trailed off, recalling something.

“Erica,  what do you know about thermonuclear bombs?”

She gave me a confused look.

I remembered one thing Audrey asked me to do while we were in Spy School. She asked me for help on her homework from Geasiln. That wasn't too extraordinary since practically everyone at the school wants my help at some point but this homework was weird. It looked like it was printed from a home computer and didn't sound like any homework I'd seen before. It also was too repetitive, since a thermonuclear bomb was in it everytime, which doesn't make for good homework if you only have to change a few variables. I fear that I had just done SPYDER's dirty work- again.

I mentally scolded myself. First at evil spy school I did calculations for SPYDER and now, with the same trick, Audrey got me to do SPYDER’s trajectories. I knew something looked suspicious about It!

“Um… why? Thermonuclear bombs are normally dropped in battle fields but only trigger when a heat source, mainly body heat, is detected. That's what makes them so lethal. But thermonuclear missiles however use body heat or clumps of energy as a homing device to find it's precise location to land. You insert rough coordinates but it is specifically designed to kill people so it uses heat to decide exactly where to strike. Most militaries have them but they only use them in dire situations. They're cruel weapons and crazy expensive. They're not too cost effective either. It's a one use thing and they cost about the price of eight or so normal missiles or bombs. If you think SPYDER is using them, think again. SPYDER wouldn't risk them missing or them not working for the price of one. They don't take calculated risks. Too many things could go wrong. And plus, I don't think them have the money for that.”

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