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What was left of the walls and ceiling that covered the throne room and its surroundings was no more.

The crimson bolts raged wildly though the veil of dark clouds. The Shadow Queen's body was reigning supreme as she towered with might in what was left of the throne room. Bowsette, however, was far from being in perfect shape.

Her beautiful dress was cut and shred at many places and lost its elegant luster, her hair was undone and messy, her crown had fallen somewhere in the rumbles of the destroyed room, but her body, while her arms were embedded with fire and fighting spirit, carried numerous bleeding scars and bruises from battling the powerful entity.

The fought battle seemed more like a massacre. Princess Bowsette was powerful and mighty. And yet, she was being annihilated by the Shadow Queen. I feared that she would not last long against the threat.

"This is.. exquisite!" The Shadow Queen exhaled with ecstasy. "Who would have thought that my future vessel would be this resistant! I'm going to enjoy wreaking havoc in it!"

"Like Hell you will!" Bowsette shouted. Her right hand blasted a ray of fire towards her enemy. But with ease, the Shadow Queen deflected it as if it was a fly.

"Please... keep on entertaining me!!"

The evil monster raised a finger to point it at Bowsette. From it, a laser of pure darkened energy shot at her. She evaded the attack, but another beam was already coming at her. She evaded this one as well, but not without being slightly burned by it. The feeling was strange to her. The attack had a burning purpose and it was rare for her to be burnt due to her immunity to fire. But it stung incredibly. And the mad queen of darkness was far from done.

She started shooting at a more rapid pace. Bowsette dodged a lot among them, but many left marks on her. Her speed and reflexes diminished as she kept "dancing" in the Shadow Queen's palm for her life. She was losing an important amount of blood; her dress became a shredded mess and her body started to take the resemblance of the scratching post for a wild tiger.

One beam struck Bowsette's left leg. "AAARGH!" She fell sliding on the rumbles.

The Shadow Queen did not lose time. Her large hand hovered over Bowsette. This one pushed it back with a screaming fire breath. The fiery breath was imposing, mighty and resonating, but the Shadow Queen's hand stayed its position, unfazed by the fire.

Her hand rushed forward and grabbed the Koopa princess, cancelling her flames.

"Your resistance is futile," a wicked grin appeared on the Shadow Queen's face, something that could be defined as devilish. "But please, keep fighting back. I enjoy your anguish!"

She squeezed Bowsette's body. She screamed with uttered agony. She tried to wiggle herself out of the torturous hold, but her strength would not answer her plea to help. The tightening increased around her body, so as her painful scream. Some bones started to break, not helping in her relief.

"Giving up already?" The Shadow Queen said. "Too bad, I was having soooo much fun!"

The battered princess forced herself to form a bloody grin. "Is... that all you got?" She spat blood on her hand. "Pathetic...!"

"Cocky, I see," the enemy replied.

The Shadow Queen released the hold that she had on Bowsette's bruised body. As she fell towards the crushed floor, an enormous fist of darkness came crushing her with untold pain. The impact resonated throughout the entire kingdom like a bolt of thunder striking the earth.

Bowsette's body was an unmovable mess of broken bones that bled more than humanly possible. And yet, despite her paralysis, she forced her eyes filled with hatred towards the towering mass of evil that the Shadow Queen was.

Every Heart - A Bowsette/Mario fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now