28: Cookies

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We're all sat down in the living room and munching...no, I'm munching because I still feel uncomfortable, but, Elliot and Trevor are shoving the cookies in their mouths. Lisa and April are drinking coffee and hearing out everything the boys have to say, which is a lot because they literally tell them everything. And I'm even more surprised in how casually Trevor's moms are talking with them. It's more like they're best friends rather than parents. I want to be that comfortable with my mom.

"So Ash, you're new at the school." April says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yes." Is there anything more to say?

"My mom made me switch schools because the students in my old school weren't very fond of me." Maybe I can try being more comfortable around them, like Trevor and Elliot.

"Oh, I just hate when I hear that teenagers like that still exist." Lisa huffs and shakes her head in disbelief.

"You'll find bullies anywhere. Even if I switched, there's bullies here too. But, the difference is here I have friends too." And I wouldn't change them for the world.

"We should film this moment, Ash doesn't get sentimental often." Elliot says breaking apart the previous mood surrounding us.

"Elliot, you know we love you sweetie but sometimes it's really a good idea to shut up." Lisa tells him to put a sock in it, yet again, and makes Elliot frown and grab a handful of cookies, angrily shoving them in his mouth.

"I don't mind his jokes. It's okay." I snicker.

"How long have you been dating?" April suddenly asks and I snap my head her way. Yes, of course this will be brought up.

"Just a couple of days actually." Trevor answers instead of me. Thank you Trevor.

"And he already meets the parents?! You two sure move fast." Lisa laughs at us, but that only makes me feel uncomfortable again. Is it wrong that I came here so soon? Maybe I should've waited before I met them.

Trevor sneakily slips his arm behind my back and rubs it gently and reassuringly. Did he notice that I'm trembling from anxiety? Because if he did, his touch is all I need to calm me down. To know that someone understands.

"Geez mom, so what? I wanted to bring him here as soon as I could." He says and rolls his eyes.

"No, it's nothing bad Trev. I feel honoured you wanted us to meet him right away." Lisa tells her son as she glances at April who nods in agreement.

"Good. Because if you say something bad about Ash, I won't text you back as soon as you do. You'll have to wait."

"No Trev. I like Ash. And I'm sure your mother does too." Lisa says and places her hand on top of April's.

"We just need to get him out of his shell. That boy is sweating like he ran a marathon because of nerves." I don't like that April pointed that out so abruptly. Now I'll sweat even more knowing they noticed.

"I'll try. I just need time to get used to this." I laugh a little at the end to not make it sound very sappy.

"We won't push you. Just know we won't take anything wrong. Freely say what you're thinking." April says and I nod back.

"Can we head to my room now?" Trevor asks but pulls me up anyway. Elliot takes the cookie tray and stands up too.

"Go on. We'll make dinner in the meantime." Says April and Trevor wastes no time as he heads up the stairs with Elliot and I following.

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