25: Long Nights

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I enter my room with a sight that will forever be engraved in my mind. Trevor working out. He's doing push ups against his bed and he's shirtless. I will never understand the need to be shirtless while working out when you can just pull on an old shirt. Is it because they can admire their body like this? I have no clue.

"You know you can put a shirt on. It's not so hot in here. And winter is approaching." You don't have to know that I secretly like looking at you like this.

"It's getting hot when I'm shirtless. Isn't it?" He stops doing his push ups and sits down.

I roll my eyes. I can't deal with this narcissism. "I see you're in a better mood?" I instead change the topic.

"I guess. I'm over it. But what did he say?"

"He said he's sorry. I forgave him because I think we both know Elliot and know he meant it as a joke."

"Yeah, you have a point. Why didn't he come here though?" A little white lie won't hurt. Elliot is going to tell us what happened later.

"He said he needs some time to himself." I do feel bad for lying to him, but I'll tell him later I'm sorry. He'll understand.

"Oh. But he'll come later right?" What a sweetheart... He obviously feels bad for something now. He's shaking his knee and I do that too when I'm worried or anxious.

"Yes. I told him we'll be up 'til late."

"What will we do until then?" Oh, don't get any ideas Trevor, I ain't doing that.

"We'll play some poker of course." I grin. I've seen his poker set on the desk but we've never played before.

He smiles. "There's nothing better."

It's not that I'm good at poker but I didn't expect Trevor to be this bad. He's terrible. I can always see through his poker face and I win every round. After I win 6 times he's frustrated. I feel bad for him but I'm competitive and I hate losing in something I'm good at. That's why I haven't let him win the last three rounds.

"Ah come on Ash. You must be cheating." He throws his cards as I win even the 7th round.

"Nope. I'm just better than you."

"I've always won before. I'm good at poker." I scoff at that.

"No offense Trevor but you're terrible at it. You must've played with some even worse players."

"Offense taken. You called me and my friends stupid." He crosses his arms and pouts his lips.

"No Trevor. I called you a bad player. Don't be mad, come on I'll teach you how to play." I pull on his forearm but he just pries it off.

"Nah ah. I don't wanna." He's just being childish now.

"Please don't be mad Trevor." I do what I never in my life have thought I'd do. I, Ash Brooks, act cute. I do a tiny pout with my bottom lip and try to pull it off by making my voice more gentle and quiet. "Pwetty pwease."

He abruptly turns, forgetting that he's supposed to be mad as he stares at me. "Argh, don't look at me like that!" He moves about with his hands. Oh so I got you huh?

"Why? Am I..." I puff out mt cheeks and make a kissy face, "too cute?" A face of sheer horror appears.

"Ash! I will die if you don't stop." He stands up and starts pacing around the room.

"Aw. And you'll leave this cutie alone?" I put a finger against my lips and flutter my lashes. He stops and stares and before I know it he jumps on my bed and attacks me with a bear hug.

"You don't know the power you hold Ash. You're just too cute." He drags hus words as he squeezes his arms around my waist. His head is on my chest as he cuddles me.

I'm all rainbows and flying hearts from the inside. This action of affection he did is by far the best thing he's done. I can't help but start laughing in happiness as I pet his head. His hair is so soft.

"Ash, you can't ever do something like that again. You have no idea how much I want to squeeze the life out of you." That's a little aggressive. He realizes what he said and raises his head. "Because you're too cute of course. Not because I wanna kill you, well I'd kill you with all my love and hugs." He gets lost in thought.

I look at him with a smile that shows 'what the hell are you saying' and I can't help but pull him against me again and cuddle him into infinity. This boy is making me too soft, where is the intimidating look I was going for? Nowhere, he's gone when I'm with Trevor.

"You're cute too now Trevor. I like cuddly you."

"Well then, I'll make sure we cuddle more often." He leaves a gentle kiss against my chest which makes me smile contently.

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