10: Fun and games

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Hours had passed since I left Trevor and Elliot in the room. I walked around school, I sat on the benches outside, I went to our football court and sat on the bleachers and now with nothing else to do and still not wanting to go back I'm standing before room 001. It looks creepy, I have to say. The door has spiderwebs at the corners and the numbers are crooked and the 1 is before falling. No one even tries to clean it a little.
I go closer to it and place my ear to the door. I listen intently for any kind of noise to come from inside but nothing is heard. I knew those jerks were joking. I smile at myself and with newly found confidence I try and open up the door. Of course it doesn't open but I bend down and peak through the keyhole, like that one apparent guy did before. The only thing I see is darkness. I stand up again in triumph. I proved everyone wrong. There's nothing here. Just as I'm about to turn and leave I hear a loud knock come from the door. I stop in my tracks. I look around to see if anyone else made a sound, but I find the hallway empty. I gulp and with now shaky hands I reach out and knock back. My heart is beating out of my chest by now, but I convince myself to be brave and stay in place. Then, I hear a lock being turned and the door creaks open. I start breathing raggedly but I don't give up yet. I push the door completely open and see the room. It's dark inside but I can see how it looks. It's just like all the other dorms just with slightly outdated furniture. And it looks dirty and dusty. I take a step forward and find the light switch and I turn it on. It doesn't look as scary when it's lighted. 

I completely step inside the room and look around but not seeing anything special I turn back to get out but the door closes with a bang.

"No!" I scream. It's night, I'm alone here, closed inside. Just breathe Ash. Breathe.

I try opening the door but I can't.

Thankfully, I have lights. It's not scary with light. I lean on the door and slowly try to calm myself. How is all this happening? It's not possible.

"If there's a ghost here, I'm sorry I bothered you. Can you please open the door for me?" I ask but get silence in return. I hear a creak come from the wardrobe door as it slowly opens. I put my hands in front of me as if they'd protect me. With one eye closed I watch as the door opens.

"WAH!" Someone or something screams at me from the bed and I  scream from the top of my lungs in return. I fall down on the ground and curl into a ball crying out, "Stop! Please! Don't hurt me!" I feel tears falling down my cheeks but I don't dare raise my head up.

"Ash...I'm sorry." Wait, I know that voice.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I WILL KILL YOU, BURN YOU, I WILL HANG YOU LIKE A SCHOOL FLAG!" I yell at Elliot as I stand up and push him down on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry." He sits on his knees. I hear the main door open and I see Trevor walk in.

"Oh, shit. Ash, we didn't mean for this to happen." Oh, now I'm mad.

"YOU TOO?!" I charge at him and grab him by the collar. I'm raging by now and I'm pretty sure fire is coming out of my ears.

"We're sorry! Ash please calm down." Trevor's eyes widen. He pulls my hands off of him.

"We just wanted to joke with you since you believed that story so much. We didn't know you'd really get this terrified by it." Elliot says from behind me and I turn to him shooting daggers with my eyes.

"A joke?! You think this is how you should joke?!! Fuck you assholes." I try to get out but Trevor blocks my way.

"No, Ash. Believe us please, we didn't want this to happen. We'd never even wish for this."

"Bullshit. I knew you two were just looking for some fun. You just used me for your own amusement. I never should've even thought that you'd want to be my friends. You're both just assholes and I believed all your lies. But I'm done. Now I see that you're just backstabbing, lying pieces of shit. So, fuck you. I'm done." I harshly push Trevor aside and run to my room and lock it. Sleep somewhere else weiners.

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