19: Boyfriend

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Elliot's gone. It's just Trevor and I in the room now. And I feel awkward. Should I even explain why? I think the fact that we're both sitting on my bed but with a good amount of distance between and not saying anything is enough of an explanation.
Trevor coughs lightly and I turn to him expecting him to say something but he just looks back at me and looks down at his lap.

"So...", I begin but find it hard to continue.

"This is unreasonably awkward." He sighs and says.

"I agree." I mean, at least we both acknowledge it.

"Why?" He asks and I freeze. Well...

"I think it's me. I'm making this incredibly awkward because I don't know how to act now. Is there anything I should do differently? I haven't gotten this far into liking someone and I'm clueless." I guess this is as good of an explanation I can form.

"Well, I have a few things in mind but I didn't know how you'd react. I didn't want to... scare you off or anything." He itches the back of his neck awkwardly at the end.

"I'm okay with anything." I don't know why but he seems surprised by my words.

"So, does that mean we can finish what we started before Elliot walked in?" He still asks, even though I told him he can do what he wants. That's so sweet. I mentally shake out that sentence. Stop being all mushy Ash.

"Yeah." He doesn't waste time before he closes the distance between us and kisses me. This kiss feels much different than my first one. Trevor is more harsh, but maybe that's because he couldn't wait to do this. And to be honest I kinda like it. I can feel the hair on my arms stand up as a chill passes through them. Trevor holds me tightly with one hand at the back of my neck and one around my waist. He pulls me even closer, if that's possible and breathes out against my lips. If that didn't cause my stomach to do back flips I don't know what would. It was the (bear with me, it's rare for me to even think of this word) sexiest thing I have ever heard.

We probably get way too into this because it lasts long. And I mean a long freaking time. We kinda got lost.
When we finally part (not that we wanted to) I feel my cheeks that are burning up, my hands are sweaty and as I can see he's no less flushed red himself. Then, the most surprising sound comes out of my mouth. I giggle. I actually giggle. Then I slap my hand against my mouth and look at Trevor wide eyed. The jerk only starts laughing. I mean, what a jerk right?

"Damn Ash, if this was able to make you giggle then I guess I've accomplished my life goal." He even has the audacity to say.

"Shut up. Don't make this harder than it is."

"Aw, don't get mad. It's cute Ash." He pinches my cheeks and I start slapping his hands away.

"I'm not supposed to be cute. I'm a man dammit." I put on my most intimidating face but based off of his reaction I just look like a baby when it's mad. He's in total awe over this.

"Men can be cute too Ash." I mean, yeah, he's kinda right. Who says how men should or shouldn't act like.

"Yeah, okay. But, do I look better cute or intimidating?" I can't believe this question just came out of my mouth.

"Well, to me, you look best when you're happy." Ugh, things like this are making me turn soft.

"Thanks." I give him a genuine smile.

"So, now that we've cleared everything up, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He grins and I can't help but do so too.

"Yes. I'd love to."

"I would've never thought I'd hear you say the word love."

"Oh shut up. I have that in my vocabulary too." I nudge his bicep as I lopsidedly smile.

"So now you're boyfriends?" Elliot asks with a wide grin as we sit in the lunchroom. We- no, Trevor decided it'd be a good idea to spill the news to Elliot right away. And what a better moment for that than while eating. I'm not against him telling our friend but I didn't know what kind of reaction to expect from Elliot. Good that he's happy though.

"Yup." Trevor proudly states.

"Man, that's amazing dude. But," he scratches his chin in doubt, "I need you to either lock the door or tell me beforehand if you plan on doing the dirty in your room."

"Elliot!" Both Trevor and I exclaim.

"First of all, you don't need to worry yourself with that and second of all not so loud asshole." I tell him.

"Sorry bros, I needed to say it so we don't have any accidents." Elliot raises his hands in front of him.

"It's okay. Just...not so loud." Trevor says this time and Elliot nods in agreement.

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