8: Weekends part 2

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After he finishes puking I pick him up and help him walk and try and find the bathroom.

"Elliot, do you know where the bathroom is?" I try and ask.

"Up there." He giggles and points to the ceiling.

"I hate being the only sober one." I mumble and pull Elliot with me downstairs. I find an empty chair and sit him down.

"Elliot, listen to me. You cannot move, got it? I'll be right back." He smiles at me and nods. I look around to find Trevor and spot him dancing with a girl I don't know. I reach them and push the girl far away from him. Sorry not sorry.

"Trevor, come with me." He grabs my hands and says, "Dance with me Ash." Dancing is the last thing I want to do.

"Trevor!" I yell and slap him across the face. "Get it together man." He gets serious all of a sudden and I pull him with me. Thankfully Elliot is still sitting in the chair and talking to what seems a small statue or something.

"Hey Ash look. This is Bridget, she was sitting here alone." He says and holds up the statue in front of me.

"Leave Bridget to sleep." I grab it and throw it away.

"Trevor, help me get him out." I command.

"Sir, yes sir." He salutes and we pick Elliot up, me on one side, Trevor on the other. I can see Trevor is really trying to keep it together, but he's also drunk.

"Do we have a bus?" I ask in hope Trevor remembers.

"Yup~. It'll take us back to rainbow land. You know they have skittles for breakfast, lunch and dinner there. So cool." He rambles on and laughs. Well, I lost him. I take out my phone and call a taxi.

I thank the driver for helping me get both of the idiots inside the school and pay him a little extra because it was pretty hard to drag them in. I just wasted half the money I had. Great.
I leave Elliot in his room after finding the keys in his front pocket and then I drop Trevor on his bed in our room.

"Ugh, they owe me for this." I flop down on my bed and fall asleep in seconds.

I wake up on Sunday afternoon as I hear shuffling come from the bathroom. I rub my face and shake my head as I stand up to see what's up. I see Trevor looking in the drawers.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"Aspirin or...I don't know. Something to help me with this fucking headache." He closes the drawers and looks himself in the mirror.

"Thanks for last night." He says.

"I can't say no problem because it was a big problem dude. You owe me big time."

"Yeah sorry. I kinda get drunk very easily." He turns on the faucet and washes his face. "Tell me if you need something." He taps my shoulder as he passes by. I wash up and brush my teeth and when I go in our room I see Elliot is also there. Oh shit. I'm not ready for confrontation. Please don't remember.

"I'm never drinking again." Elliot states. Wow, he looks like shit. His clothes from last night are still on him but they're all wrinkled and dirty.

"Ash, you're a lifesaver." He says.

"You remember last night?" I gulp.



"Yeah." He looks proud. I'm scared.

"Did something happen...?" Trevor looks between Elliot and I.

"Yes." We both say simultaneously.

"What?" Trevor is still confused.

"We kissed." Elliot says casually.

"You...and Ash? Kiss?" Kill me. Kill me now.

"So you're gay?" Trevor turns to me. Am I? I don't know. 

"Maybe. I'm not sure." Should I even put a label to it?

"We can repeat last night if you're not sure." Elliot smirks, his previous nauseous expression long gone.

"Shut up. This is awkward."

"You're making it. It doesn't have to be." Trevor says.

"Aren't you uncomfortable with this?" I ask him.

"Nah. Why should I?"

"See Ash, I'm not the type for relationships so Trevor is used to hearing about things like this happen." Elliot explains.

"Oh..." I don't know what to say.

"So...if you don't mind me asking...are you...who do you...uh. Nevermind." Why can't I form the question?

"If you're asking if I'm gay then yeah. I am." Elliot laughs lightly.

"Me too." Trevor? What? Wait, okay. Now some things make sense. When we were in that awkward position after our 'fight', he probably...wanted to do something more, like, kiss me. So, he likes me? Or is he attracted to me? They both are? I can't ask them that, can I? If they want to tell me they would and they're friends. Both of them can't possibly like me.

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