14: Your mom is cool

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The week passes by too slow. I've done nothing interesting besides going to another 'gathering', but this time it was in one of the others' room. That Alejandro guy. I didn't stay for long because I knew what was coming by the time they started pointlessly laughing. I anticipate tonight because mom called me to say she'd come and visit.

"I can't wait to meet her." Elliot rubs his hands evilly when I tell the two that she's coming.

"Don't you dare say or do anything stupid." I point a finger at him.

"Sorry daddy, I won't be a bad boy...unless you want me to." That makes me push him hard enough to fall down. Little shit. Who says something like that? And why are my cheeks hot? Dammit. That stupid little...

"Why'd you do that for?" He stands up and dusts himself off.

"Take a guess you idiot." Trevor scoffs. Oh yeah, I forgot he was watching the show too.

"Sorry jeez." Elliot rolls his eyes.

"Now please promise you'll behave. And can we also clean this room?" Calling this room a mess would be an understatement. It's chaotic. Everything from clothes, shoes, books, bags and backpacks, towels, chocolate wrappers, empty cans of both beer and soda, a pair of underwear or two...you ask and you shall see.

"When is she coming?" Trevor asks.

"Well, she said tonight, but knowing her she'll get too excited and come earlier. So maybe we should clean up now." I look at the time on my phone. 4:37 pm. Yeah maybe we should hurry too.

Everyone cleans their own stuff. I have the least while Elliot of course has the most. I finish with my clothes and put all the trash in a bag then stuff it in the trashcan. After about an hour the room is spotless.

"I'll open the window too." I open it and just in time I see my mom parking in front of school. I watch her get out and she looks up and I wave at her to see me. When she does she starts to rapidly wave back with both hands and rushes in.

"She's here. Any minute expect her to either barge in or knock repeatedly." I warn my friends. They both nod and sit down on the bed like the 'good boys' they are. After surprising 5 minutes later a loud knock is heard and I open the door to be tackled by her.

"Oh, my sweet boy. I missed you so much." She pulls away only to take my face in her hands and inspect it.
"You look like you've lost some weight."

"I missed you too mom. And no, I don't think I have. I eat well here." I pull her hands away from my face.

"Okay. How's school going here baby? Are these young boys your friends?" She looks behind me and I introduce her to them, "Mom, this is Elliot, Elliot mom." He shakes her hand and says, "Nice to meet you Miss Brooks."
"Call me Rene dear, both of you." She grins.
"And this is Trevor." They shake hands too. "Nice to meet you Rene." He gives her a toothy grin. "Oh, look what a nice smile you have. My Ashby doesn't smile much." She grimaces while looking at me.

"Mom," I whine, "I do smile." I bring my frown upside down. "See?" I hear a snort come from Elliot and Trevor.

"Why does everyone hate me?" I bring the smile downside up.

"It really is rare to see you smile like that, so you look weird." Elliot snickers. I give him a look that says 'shut the fuck up or I will rip your tongue out' and he immediately gets serious.

"I see you boys get along well." My mom laughs.

"We do. The usual bicker makes it fun." Trevor answers the not question my mom said.

"Why don't I take you on a walk around school mom?" I have the brilliant idea. It's better if I take her far away from these two.

"Let's all go together." My mom pulls me out the door and the two idiots go behind me.

I try. I really do try to make my mom not tell them any baby stories but I don't succeed.

"...and when I told him that crayons are for colouring and not eating he didn't colour on paper, instead, the walls looked more appealing to him." Yes, I was a child and of course I'd think that bright things are for eating.

"God mom. Okay."

"Come on Ash. This is just for laughs. Right Rene?" Elliot pats my head like I'm a little child, even though I'm the same height and age as him.

"Of course. I have another story. When he used to go to the toilet he-" I put a hand on her mouth.

"Okayyy. This is where I cross the line. Mom, let's go eat now. Then you can go back home." I loop my arm in hers and turn towards the lunchroom.

"I'm sorry baby. You know I don't mean anything bad." She puts her hand around my back and rubs it gently. I sigh, "I know mom."

"Wanna hear a baby story my mom told me?" Elliot says when we sit down to eat.

"I haven't heard a baby story from you in so long." Trevor says as he digs in.

"Well, apparently, when I learned how to walk because everyone praised me I thought it'd be fun to show off a little more. So one day when we had guests, I decided to climb onto the sofa and start jumping. One second I was laughing, the next I fall down on the ground. I start crying but stand up again and instead of panicking and making it worse my mom decided to applaud me and that made me stop crying. After that I continued jumping but with my mom by me so I don't fall." While Trevor literally chokes on his food, I'm slightly amused and more worried about baby Elliot and my mom just has this face of adoration.

"Isn't that adorable? Such a nice little baby you were." She says and laughs.

"Oh believe me, I wasn't nice most of the time. But the rare moments when I was, according to my mom were heavenly minutes." To this we all laugh. It even makes me break into a laugh. Shocker.

"Ayy, I made Ash laugh. Trevor I win, gimme." He outs his hand out and Trevor places 20 dollars into his hand.

"Did you seriously bet on who'd make me laugh first?!" I frown.

"Yeah. We actually made the bet a long time ago. Finally we have a winner." Elliot smiles in triumph.

"You boys sure do have fun around here. I'm glad Ash has friends like you." My mom says and starts eating.

"Yeah. I'm glad they're here too." I say a little too fast, but when neither one of the idiots comment anything funny, I'm surprised. I look at them expecting it to come but instead I see Elliot smugly smirking and Trevor has a little shy smile plastered on his face.
I inwardly giggle but I just eat my food too.

"I can't wait to see you again baby. Please eat a lot and dress warmly so you don't catch a cold and call me when you can and also-"

"Okay. Mom, please. I'll be good. Now go, before it gets too late." I give my mom one last hug and I kiss her in the cheek. She then gives Trevor and Elliot a big hug too and says, "You keep my boy smiling. When I come again I'll tell you more stories, I'll even bring baby pictures."

"Mom!" I groan. The idiots smile greedily.

"Okay baby. I love you. Take care." She gets into her car and drives off.

"Your mom is cool." I love her.

Good Boy, Bad BoyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara