18: Escalated

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Coming back to school has never felt so good. As soon as we get inside our room I don't waste a minute before I pick up some clothes and a towel and run into the bathroom. I strip and wash away all the icky, yucky dirt and sweat off of me. Ah, this feels refreshing. As I'm enjoying my five minutes of heaven the door to the bathroom opens and I hear, "I gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee. Sorry Ash, I won't look, but I really need to pee. My bladder is gonna explode." It's Trevor. Even though the glass from the shower is foggy I just hope he doesn't turn around. I mean, my silhouette can be clearly seen and I don't fucking want him to see that.
The peeing sounds, thankfully, I don't hear over the running water but I hear the flushing toilet and faucet water and then a quiet, "Oh shit." followed by a way too loud, "Bye." Why did he curse? Did he hit himself or something?... I didn't hear anything. I mentally shoo away the thoughts bothering me and finish up my shower. I dry off and dress myself and then exit the steamy bathroom.

"You're free to go in now." I say as I specifically look at Trevor sending him a message of 'You could've waited a minute more'.

"Oof, guys, I'm fucking tired. Wait no, I'm hungry. Are you guys hungry?" Elliot rambles on to himself.

"Nah, more tired than hungry." Trevor says as he strips down from his clothes. "But I gotta shower first too." He goes in the bathroom.

"Well, I guess I'm eating alone. Bye Ash." He blows me a kiss and leaves. I huff as I flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling thinking nothing in particular.

"Ash!" Trevor yells as he exits the bathroom, wet, with only a towel wrapped around his hips.

"What?" I sit up annoyed.

"There's no hot water left." He slumps his shoulders.

"And..." I raise my eyebrow.

"And... You wasted it all."

"How is that my fault? I didn't know how much I'd waste." So fussy over nothing. Geez.

"You live with two other guys, you should think about us too." I don't know if he's really angry or just sad that he didn't finish showering.

"Okay man. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Not planning on arguing over this.

"Okay then. Repay me." He crosses his bulky arms over his defined chest. No, his arms over his chest. Nothing else Ashby.

"What?" I look at him confused.

"I said, repay me. I'm all wet and cold because of you." He smirks.

"For the last time it's- okay, what do you want?" I put on a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Dry me off and warm me up." His smirk intensifies. I just stare at him with my mouth agape and eyes bulging. The room suddenly got a lot hotter and my heart starts beating out of my chest. Those words sound awfully similar to something else... something more... intimate. NoOOOoOoooO ThEY DoNt. Why am I thinking this? Why?

"Can't you do that yourself?" I try and sound normal, but I think I failed since my words come out choked up.

"I need help." He pouts as he uncrosses his arms. He moves closer to me and I stand up because I don't want to be close to him while he's practically naked.

"Fine." I grab the towel I used from my bed and although it's still damp I use it. I don't care. He deserves it for being a jerk. I'm not much shorter than him so I just reach in front of me and very harshly dry his hair while he just keeps grinning mischievously from under the towel. I move on to his shoulders and arms and I gulp loudly before I move to his chest. I freeze for a second before I wipe with shaky hands. I glance at his face and he's no longer grinning, instead, he's just looking at me with his lips slightly parted. I look down again, his chest is a better option, and he takes my hands in his as he stops them from moving. He holds them against his chest and I don't make a move to change that.

"Ash," He starts as he licks his lips. "I told you that I like you. Are you completely ignoring that or is there something else?" Well, I'm done for now. I don't have any way to escape, but I don't know what to say. Did I push that at the back of my mind or was there really something else? I could've told him then that I like him too but I didn't. I was scared. Why was I scared? Why would I be scared? I'm not scared. Yeah, I'm not. I'll tell him now. I'll say that I like him.

"I like you too." Oh my god I can feel my heart. Wait no, I can't feel it. I don't know what I'm feeling. Everything?

"Good." He begins to close the distance between our lips and...

"Guys!" Elliot barges into the room making me push Trevor away and I tumble down on my bed.

"I have some great news!...Did I interrupt something?" He saw our obviously flushed faces and basically breathed in the tension in the room.


"No." We both say.

"Okay then, as I was saying, great news." He claps his hands together. "I got my old room back!" He grins like a little child.

"How come?" Trevor asks.

"Well, I was eating and suddenly my name is called through the speakers and I go to the principals office and she says I can go to my room. So I called my parents and they said that they laid off my sister's punishment so they did so with me too. And now I can leave this tiny room and sleep in my wonderful bed."

"Thank god honestly. Pack your bags and leave now please." Trevor says as he picks up his backpack and pushes it in his chest.

"Hey, don't be mean." Elliot pouts and starts packing.

"Sorry dude, you know I love you but it really was getting too crowded in here." Trevor helps his friend with packing. I couldn't help but notice that he's still in the towel and every time he bends down a part of his thigh shows. He has some nice ass thighs. And speaking of ass, that's nice too. It feels good to finally be able to think this and not scold myself for it. Now I officially like him. And he does too.

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