11: Fix it

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I didn't sleep at all. First because I couldn't get all the thoughts out from my head and second because the two lying bitches pleaded me to forgive them all night. They arrived just seconds after I locked the door and first it started out with knocking and calling me to trying to guilt trip me. They remain to be selfish until the end. They kept repeating how sorry they are and that I was the one that made them have this idea, but that they didn't mean to scare me like that.

Unfortunately for me, I have classes, so I have to get out of my room. I shower and ger dressed and I pray that when I open the door those two liars will be gone. I open and am met with nothing but a letter down on the ground. I know it's from them and I don't even touch it. I step over it and head to class. I do have all my classes with them though, so when I enter the classroom I see the two of them sat with their friends at their usual places. Both of them look at me and just for a second I felt bad. I felt bad for being so harsh to them because they looked like zombies. Like all the life was sucked out of them. Their usual smiley faces were replaced by much sadder, swollen and puffy ones.
No, they're bad. They hurt you. I turn my sad look into a mad one as I stomp to my seat.

At lunch I buy a sandwich and juice and I sit at an empty spot in a corner. I see them sith their trays in hand and they join their friends at the table. I eat and I see a kid come up to me and places a tray filled with all kinds of food in front of me.

"They told me to give it to you." He points at the liars and leaves. There's a note on the tray too and it says

'Elliot: I owed you a meal so here you go.
Trevor: I'll owe you a meal this whole month, just like Elliot.
   We're sorry for being jerks. xoxo'

I involuntarily giggle at it. As much as I want to be mad at them maybe I should at least give them a chance to properly explain themselves. I really hate them for doing what they did and I still don't think that they want to be friends with me but we don't need to be enemies either. I know that I should be such a bad guy, that's not me. That's why after classes are finished I'll let them in my room and give them some time to explain everything to me.

I don't know if they've given up but them not showing up after classes are over is making me think that. And why do I feel a pain in my chest when I think that they won't be my friends anymore? Ash, don't be such an idiot, it's because you liked them being your friends. You liked their company and now you're back as you were before, lonely, sad and bored.

"Maybe I should look for them and apologize? Should I?" I ask myself out loud. I don't think it through because if I do then I'll end up staying in this room. So I head out to Elliot's room. If it's actually his room or not I don't know because I don't know how much of what they said is true or not.
I knock on the door and wait but no one opens so I head downstairs to room 001. I knock there too and nothing. I don't know where they could be. So I search everywhere. I go to the courtyard, the football field, the lunchroom, the gym and finally the place that I've never entered in my life- the library. It's very quiet in here and I have to search around since the  bookshelves hide some of the desks and finally, finally find them sitting at a desk in the corner. Why can't I move now? I can't chicken out now when I'm so close...come on Ashby...
With one last exhale I approach them as casually as I can, but I probably look like I'm walking into prison after I've killed a man.

"Hey..." I cough out, glancing at both of them. They raise their heads and share one look, then look at me and slowly smiles appear on their faces.

"Sit." Trevor pulls out a chair for me and I take a seat.

"So..." I intertwine my hands in front of me and fidget with my thumbs.

"We're sorry we did that to you." Elliot speaks up. I look at him quickly and then look down at my hands again. I feel like I wronged them so much I can't even look them in the eye. What happened to me being mad?

"No, I'm sorry. It wasn't even that bad and I almost hit you guys." Ugh, why are my hands sweating so much?

"We kinda went too far with it. We just wanted to give you a little scare but we went overboard." Elliot starts explaining, "W-why did you do it though? In the first place?" I ask.

"Well, we saw that you were scared by that legend, which by the way we were scared of too, but we kinda mustered up the courage and got in there since Elliot was gonna go there either way." Trevor pipes in but strays a little off the main story, "We knew you'd get curious and go there so we waited, Elliot inside and me outside, and it worked."

"I'm that predictable huh?" I roll my eyes. Elliot shrugs and Trevor just continues, "We thought it'd be funny to play a little with the lighting and doors and that was it. But..." He looks at Elliot, who says, "It was my fault honestly. I jumped at you and I didn't realize I went too far with it. So, you shouldn't even blame Trevor, it's all my fault." He slumps his head down.
My chest hurts.

"No. I forgive you." Is all I say. I guess in the spur of the moment, at first, I was mad at them and with all the doubts and things that ran through my mind I thought wrongly of them. They're not bad people, I can see it now. I shouldn't have thought so badly of them just because friends have betrayed me before. They're not them, they're different, better.

"You forgive us?" Elliot looks surprised.

"Yeah. You're good guys and I like hanging out with you." I can feel them. My cheeks. They're red.

"Awwww. Ash is being sentimental." Trevor bumps my shoulder gently.

"Shut up."

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