Getting to know you, getting to know more about you.

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"Come on slut, you afraid everyone's going to see how much of a shithead you are, running around with half the guys at school like always." Gretta said as she slammed her foot up against the bathroom stall door again. Beverly rolled her eyes at the childish antics the blonde girl was doing.

"Which is it Gretta, am I a slut or a shithead, pick one why don't you." She said tiredly. It was only the first day back at school and she already has Gretta and her friends up her ass and picking on her.

"Your a nothing is what you are and everyone this year is going to know it." Gretta said aggressively, hearing one of Grettas friends grabbing the bathroom garbage and getting ready to spill it over the wall of the stall. Grabbing her bag and putting right over her head as the contents of the nasty liquidy waste spilt all over the top of it, protecting her mostly.

"Least you'll smell better. Come on girls." Gretta and her friends laughing as they walk out, leaving Beverly sitting there in the bathroom stall at the end of the day. Sighing she gets up and walks out of the stall to wash her bag off as good as she can, pulling out a little perfume to spray herself and her bag a bit to get rid of most of the horrible oder.

As she was walking down the hall, feeling like it was safe enough to leave without one more of one of the girls catching her to attack, someone grabbed her by the arm. At first she thought it was Gretta or one of her friends to come and drag her off to Gretta. But it wasn't, it wasn't anyone but Patrick Hockstetter himself giving his famous devilish smile after licking his lips.

"Where are you off to Kitten? My my, You look gorgeous today." He said with a seductive voice, as he licked his lips and looked her up and down. Feeling a blush come creeping up her face she looked everywhere and anywhere but at Patrick.

"Thank you."Beverly said in a quiet voice. It's not that she didn't like Patrick, she just didn't know anything about him. Well only that he's pretty much a psychopath and has a kink for burning shit and picking on people with his group of friends. She believed that he had at least something good in him or wanted to believe that at least.

"Mmm don't be shy Little one, that just makes me even more excited." He smirked down at her, as he brought his hand up and ran his fingers across her soft freckled filled cheek. "Your coming with me and the guys today, we're gonna bring you home." He stated, that's right, stated. Not questioned or asked, just bluntly told her what's going to happen.

She was a little too nervous to say no, but then again she was afraid of her father seeing her with other boys. He doesn't take too kindly too that. So for that matter she started off by shaking her head, obviously the action made Patrick frown.

"Kitten. It's not up to you whether or not your coming, your coming with me." He said with a stern tone. She shook her head again.

"No Patrick, I really can't, I should be getting home now. My dad's going to worry." She said quietly, trying to walk by him but he grabbed her by the arm once again. This time a little too hard. Looking up she seen his cold hard stare at her with his blue eyes.

"I don't like being told no, especially from you. You belong to me so your going to start following my ground rules and be a good girl." He said with the same stern tone. Looking down again slowly at both their feet and slowly nodding, hating the fact that she gave in.

Patrick not hating it at all, as he smiled at her submission and wrapping his arm around her as he walked them both out to Belch's car. She was nervous as hell, she knew they're reputation and how they act cause she's seen it with her own eyes, as she watched them all pick on the poor boys of the losers club.

As they both got out of the school and over to the guys she was looking down and off in the distance afraid that they may do something to her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Henry Bowers looking at her, staring and smirking at her. Of course Patrick must of noticed cause he tightened his arm around her more, bringing her more closer to his inner side.

"Oh, who's this?" Victor, the platinum blonde asked curiously once he turned to see her with Patrick. Patrick smiled after he got done staring a few daggers at Henry and brought Beverly where she was standing in front of him, her back flushed up against mostly his stomach sense he's much taller than her.

"This is Beverly Marsh, my girlfriend." He said as he bent down and kissed her flushed cheeks. Outside she looked shy and sorta calm, inside she was shocked and speechless as to what to say about him calling her his girlfriend.

I hope you like the start of it so far!! Some people don't like Beverly and its fine if you don't like her. But I do like her, she seems sweet and accepting and interesting and I thought she'd be cute for Patrick and good for him. Second chapter will be up tomorrow!! (↑ω↑)

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