the teenage years

75 7 1

cigarette in hand
drunken madness
at 4am
smoke fills the house
i can smell marijuana
and cheap beer
and sadness

no one dances
we all just lie
sprawled on sofas
on top of each other
even when we're together
laughter, now and then
crude jokes
people having sex
In the room next door

we're underage
as we drink
and smoke
escaping thoughts
with a single drag
and lie on top of
each other
hot breath
bodies close

remember when
you were young
8 years old
pigtails and lollipops

remember when
you saw that group
of girls with cigarettes
and coloured hair
of boys with vodka
and bloodshot eyes

your parents told you
that was bad, wrong
that you needed to be good
work hard
never be that way

you made a promise, then
to them, to yourself
you did not keep it.

we are the kids our parents
warned us about.

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