your walls are up but i pose no threat

96 12 4

tw: implied rape/sexual assault

your eyes are bloodshot
and you laugh manically
and you whisper frantically
or shout carelessly
and curse under your breath

but sometimes you cry
and it's the middle of the night
and you sob silently
or wail endlessly
and tears stream down your face.

i am not a threat.

i do not come in
breaking bottles
shouting and smashing
everything in sight.
i do not grab you
and hurt you
ignoring your tears
as i ruin you.

i am not him.

i don't understand your pain
i probably never will.
i will never know what it's like to be unable to cry out
unable to move or struggle or scream
tears streaming down my face as i hear the door bang open.

i will never know what it's like
to be grabbed in the dark of night
and debased and destroyed and ruined.

but i do know one thing.
the rape does not define you.

it will break you
and tear you apart

but it will not end you.


a/n: i just wanted to say thank you SO much for 3k reads!! i never thought i would get this far and i really appreciate every read, vote and comment, thank you millions

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