Chapter 26

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How to Disappear


One week later

Carmen has been growing steadily. I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and I am showing. Nothing can hide it now. But I don't care, the trial is over, and Nathan will hopefully never know about Me and Lana's precious daughter.

"Hey babe." I look over at our doorway. "Nathan and I have to see our divorce attorney. Will you be ok alone?"

I nod my head.

"Of course, baby. At least give me a kiss before you you though." Lana happily abbliges and pecks me on the lips. She places a hand on my belly and kisses it as well.

"Have a wonderful day, Carmen. I love you." Lana places on last kiss before pecking me again.

"And I love you, too Marina" I place a hand in her cheek and smile a dorky smile.

"I love you, too Lana." She finishes saying her goodbyes, and leaves woh Nathan.

The house is empty for the first time i a few weeks. So I take this opportunity to get to know the layout better.

I explore the upstairs rooms. All of them wonderfully laid out, but our room is the best, other than the master bedroom of course.

I eventually find my way downstairs. I look over at the piano, and resist the urge to start playing something.

As I head over to the kitchen, I see something out of the corner of my eye. I look over at see that the sunroom is still there.

Memories from a few weeks ago flood my mind. The gravitational pull towards the sunroom starts pulling me closer.

I dont bother to close the door, I'm the only one home anyway. So I start Looking around, it's pretty much the same as last time. My eyes land on the corner, the spot where we opened up more to each other.

I take a seat like I did last time. Remembering Lana on top of me, kissing me, full on about to do it moment. I smile at the thought.

But the sun must have been in the right spot, cause I feel my eyes starting to drift closed. And I let them. Falling asleep in a memorable spot will be fun.


"Babe.. Marina.." I open my eyes and see Lana's green eyes looking down at me. An amused looks on her face. "You found the sunroom again."

I sit up a little more, my back in a very bad position. Lana sits down next to me and places a hand on my knee.

"You certainly know How To Disappear. It took me a minute to find you." I smile a little at her comment.

"I remember the day we snuck in here." Lana places her head on my shoulder. "How we almost got caught." Lana chuckles a bit.

"Nathan caught us." I look over at Lana surprised.


"Yeah. He yelled at me after I dropped you off at the motel. He was pissed, but I knew I loved you, so it didn't matter." I didn't know how to respond to her. Nathan had found out?

"Also, we'll be able to sign the divorce papers next week." That takes me off guard. And my reflexes move before I can process.

I am hugging Lana so hard. Tears streaming down my face.

"Marina.." I pull back slightly and look into her eyes. "I got you something on the way back from the attorneys office." My eyes have cleared up enough so I can see her clearly. She moves off the bench and onto the floor, on one knee. A black box in her hands.

"We haven't known each other long, but I knew almost immediately that you were the one meant for me. And through the past weeks, you have proved to me you love me just as much as I love you. I can't imagine my life without you, Marina. So I have to ask, will you be my wife? Will you marry me?"

My hands are on my face, tears streaming down my cheeks. All my words get stuck in my throat. I don't know how I was able to speak.

"Yes. Lana yes." She stands up and I meet her halfway to wrap my arms around her neck.

Lana is cradling my head and I am crying into her neck and hair. Her hair is probably soaked by my everflowing tears.

She pulls away slightly, and takes my left hand. She takes out the beautiful ring with a purple stone in the middle. Sliding it on my finger, the familiar weight settles in.

"I love you, Marina. And I plan on spending the rest of my days with you and Carmen." I look up at Lana from the ring and kiss her. Jack never made me feel this happy. Never in the fifteen years we were together.

"And I love you Lana. I will happily take care of you and Carmen all the days of my life." Lana picks me up and spins me around.

I've never been this happy. Jack was a mistake. A mistake I wasn't willing to make. Lafina, mom, and dad weren't losses I wanted. But without it, I would never have met Lana. The one who saved me from it all.

Another chapter! Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry you had to wait so long. I was a little preoccupied...😏

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And I don't want to seem annoying, but recently, falling in love and being in a relationship with that love feels so good. Even better if they treat you right.

Find yourself your person. If you are into that stuff of course. There is someone out there for you, like I have met mind.

Love You!!!

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