Chapter 9

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Two days later...

I flip the pancake in the skillet with my spatula. The perfect golden brown making me proud of myself.

The last time I had had pancakes, I didn't really have them.. my pregnancy wasn't helping. Nathan now knows why, and I even know why now.

"Marina?" I look up and see Lana walk into the kitchen. She didn't embrace me or kiss me like she usually does. Imogene is in the kitchen reading the paper.

"Yeah?" We continue to make eye contact. All the unspoken words being said through our state.

I love you

I love you more, Marina.

That was just probably my imagination, but I swear she wanted me to know she said that.

"Hey, Imogene?" We both look away and towards Terrance, who just walked into the kitchen. "I packed up everything for our trip home." Her eyes go wide.

"Terrance! You know I do that! Who knows if you completely messed up my system!" She stands up and walks past him and towards there room.

"She's gone." Lana and I smile and him and he returns a priceless smile as well. I feel Lana kiss the side of my forehead. I turn to give her a look of shock, but all I am met with are her marshmallow lips meeting mine.

"Lana!" My embarrassment is evident in my tone of voice.

"What? I can't kiss you while you're burning the pancakes?" I look over towards the skillet and see the two pancakes started slightly smoking. I look up at Lana and slap her in the arm before taking them out. One side a darker brown.

"You two are way to cute. I'm glad you both are happy." I look up at Terrance again. He has sit down or the bar and is watching our interaction.

"I'm glad you love her to. Cause I probably love her more that she thinks." I feel my cheeks start to redden. She knows I am pretty shy when it comes to romance. Mostly because of the lack there-of till two weeks ago.

"Terrance! You didn't pack anything!" Our moment is ruined. The three of us look over at Imogene, who has a hand on her hip and is now observing the scene before her.

"She burned the pancakes. I knew she couldn't do it." I feel anger start to results off of Lana.

"Mother...." Imogene looked over at Lana. So did I. Her face was pained and held obvious anger. She wasn't even attempting to hide it now.

Imogene doesn't look a single ounce of guilty. But she turns to me anyway.

"I'm sorry... Marina." She said my name like it was acid in her tongue.

It wasn't the first time this has happened in the past nine days.

A week ago, when Lana first let me wear her comfortable shirts, Imogene noticed.

"Lana has that same shirt. She got it at a concert with Nathan on there first anniversary."

Lana letter told me later she posted it on her Instagram when it happened. That how Imogene knew of the shirt.

"Lana told me she had the same shirt." Is all I said. It felt weird, Imogene talking to me and all. That was the first time she talked to me somewhat like a human being.

I looked back up at Lana. There was something on her face that made me start to worry. She looked at me, her feature started to calm down. She started to lean in.

"Hey Momma!" Everyone immedietly looks over at Nathan. You can tell on his face he knew what was about to happen. "Can I help you pack? I would hate for you to do it alone."

Nathan obviously meant that in a kind way. Imogene never let Terrance help her pack for reasons I will never understand. Granted, I have only known them for 9 days.

"Absolutely, Nathan! Thank you so much!" Imogene obviously loves Nathan like her own son, maybe even more that Lana.

As soon as they are out of site, I slap Lana in the arm again.

"You almost outed us in front of your mother!" I whisper-yell. Lana doesn't have a single look of remorse on her face. She just kisses me slow.

"On the Flipside." Lana moves a peice of hair out of my face. "She would finally have known. And we could have run away. Raised our child the way she should. No judging grandmothers in the way."

Lana leans down and slowly kisses me again. We only break apart when we hear Terrance clear his throat.

I look over at him, very embarrassed to be honest.

"Sorry Terrance.." he gives me a looks. I correct myself.

"Sorry... Dad...." he stands up and walks over towards me.

"I never thought I would have another daughter in the family. I'm glad Lana found you." Lana brings me into her torso. I can't help but smile.

It feels good to be loved this way.

200 reads!!! Thank you so much!! I'm excited for Simplify to reach its original!

Anyway, please vote and comment if you enjoyed! It means a lot to me..

Love You!!

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