Chapter 29

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Three weeks later

"So we've settled on the venue, color scheme, flowers, date. Basically everything. All we need to do is send out invitations." I clap my hands together. Marina smiles her adorable smile and leans her head in mine.

"A solid month of planning. Small weddings are so much easier to plan.." Marina isn't wrong. Mother had given me this huge wedding at the cathedral when Nathan and I were wed. It was unnecessary, but mother will be mother.

"Let's get the invitations out." Marina nods before grabbing the stack of invitations waiting to be put in envelopes and sent out. Marina and I were able to put together a small list of friends and family we would love to attend. About 20 was the total. And Marina is happy with the small number.

"We formally invite you to attend the ceremony joining Lana Del Rey and Marina Diamandis on June 21, 2018 in holy matrimony." Marina reads the beginning of the invitation. She makes sure everything is alright. Again. She's nervous about nobody showing up. Well, a certain someone not showing up.

"Don't worry, all we can do is send the invitation. We don't know if he'll get it, but we can home, baby." I kiss the top of her forehead.

"I know..." she gently places them down on the table. "I know..." I hear something in her voice that I'm not quite familiar with.

"What's on your mind?" I hold her a little closer.

"He disappeared over ten years ago. Everybody assumes he's dead. Everybody Dies, nobody is Immortal. We all love our lives and hope we make something of it." Marina cuddles further into my side.

"And I can't wait to spend the rest of it with you, Lana." Marina leans up and kisses my lips. Her baby bump growing significantly. We are about halfway through her pregnancy. As she is 21 weeks.

"And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Marina." Marina is laying in my chest while we sit calmly on the couch. We both met our content sighs, and slightly laughing at our timing.

How did I find such a wonderful woman?


"I'm going to look so pregnant at the wedding." I look up from my cereal bowl and to Marina, who is snacking on a fruit bowl I put together for her. "Like, a very pregnant woman getting married to another woman. This something you don't see everyday." I can tell she added humor to her statement. But was genuinely nervous about it.

"Only our very close friends and family are going to be there. We don't have to explain to them what happened if you don't want to. We can just tell them how Carmen will have the most wonderful mamma's" I place a hand on top of Marina's.

"I would feel better if we just said that instead of explaining." She has a relieved smile on her face and is now eating her fruit bowl again.

"I knew you would." I pick up my spoon again and continue to eat my cereal.

"Do you know how bad all that sugary cereal is for you?" I look up at Marina again with an amused and surprised look.

"Ok...." I shrug.

"I don't know how you keep that amazing figure with all the crap you eat on the daily, Lana." And my cereal leaves my mouth, spewing onto the table. Luckily not touching Marina or her fruit.

"I have an amazing figure?" I ask with my mouth still half full of food. She didn't even flinch with my reaction to her question.

"Of course you do. Don't deny it. I thought I looked pretty good before I was pregnant." I wipe my mouth with a napkin, since we always keep napkins at the table.

"You were pregnant when we met, so I don't know." Marina finished cleaning up the milk off the table. She looks at me before taking out her phone.

"Here." She hands it to me with a picture of her in a white sports bra and sweats.

"Goddamn.." I barely whisper, but Marina must have heard me, cause I see her hang her head in embarrassment.

"You are beautiful..." I look back up at Marina. She questions whether I meant a the picture or now.

"My wonderful fiancée is carrying our baby," I stand up and kneel next to her, "I don't care how your body looks, you are still beautiful." I touch her belly and lean up to kiss her wonderful lips.

When we do, I feel Carmen kick.

"Babe..." I have a goofy smile on my face. Marina just rests her forehead in mine, a content smile the only thing on her face.

*please read*

Before I say anything about Simplify, i would like to talk to all those fantasy fans that read my book(s). If your not really into fantasy, but love a good book, this is also for you!😂

But my very good friend is really into all the fantasy and mystical aspect of books, and hers The Raven And The Hawk is amazing. She works so hard in her chapter, constantly is planning, and just putting so much hard work in general into each chapter. Her username is Carissahasnolife . I would appreciate checking her out if you are interested!

Ok...😂 well, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Love You!!!

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