Chapter 11

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The sound rings through the air. I gasp at the sudden action. My hand flies to my mouth.

Lana has anger issues....

But I don't care. She stood up to me. Nobody has ever down that for me, ever.

"Lana Elizabeth Del Rey..." Imogene is holding her reddening cheek.

"Nobody talks like that to Marina. You can't talk to me that way!" Lana brings me in her arms.

"You young lady!" Imogene is starting to get mad. Visibly mad. "I am not going to let you throw away your life with some Lolita! That is not the daughter I raised!" I feel Lana start to shake in anger. I nuzzle myself into her side, to try and calm her down.

"Your right!" She places a hand on the back of my head. "I wasn't raised this this way. I don't give up and are not satisfied with what I don't like. I have never loved what you have done to me. But Marina, I love Marina with all my heart. And I am not going to throw away my happiness for yours anymore, Mother." Lana says her name with such evil, even I shudder.

She just stands there in shock. She has never been spoken to like that in her life, so it makes sense she doesn't know what to do with it.

"Lana..." She doesn't let her finish.

"Go! Leave this place! Never come back! I never want to see you again until you have learned to accept that I am in love with Marina and plan to marry her!" She points towards the door. My mind starts to slow down.

She plans to marry me.

And she proclaimed it unashamed to her mother.

Imogene has a disgusted look on her face. Her arms cringe into her chest. She is clearly horrified. I see dad and Nathan standing shocked in the doorway of the quest room.

"Well..." she starts to recompose herself. "Don't bother sending an invitation."

She struts out of the house and falls after dad. He quickly paces towards her. But he stops at me.

"I want to be there." He smiles gently at Lana and I. He places a kiss on each of our foreheads, which sends warm fuzzies to accumulate in my desperate heart.

"Thanks dad." I say into Lana's chest. I peek out and see Terrance looking at me lovingly.

He leaves my peripheral view a couple seconds later. I felt him place a hand on lana's shoulder as he passes us.

I hear the door shut. Lana immediately dips me and kisses my lips. It takes me a minute to realize what just happened and to kiss her back. Her hand is resting on my lower back and the back of my neck. Mine on her face.

She brings me back up a few seconds later. I try to catch my breath, but it doesn't work.

"I love you, Marina." She still has her hands on my hips, and I still have mine around her neck.

"I love you to, Lana." My heart swells every time I hear her say that. I have never in my life felt this way for someone else, especially Jack.

"I know it's early still, but could we just lay in bed and cuddle all day?" I bite my lip and nod.

"That would be amazing." She smiles her  adorable smile and picks me up. I wrap my legs around her waist quickly, I don't want her to drop me after all.

I place my head on her shoulder. Just feeling her body against mine comforts me. I close my eyes, relishing her warmth against my skin.

I feel her place me down on our bed. Our bed. That just sounds and feels nice to think about. I feel Lana slide off my boyfriend jeans that are baggier than normal and pull the covers over me. She soon slides in and we cuddle against each other.

Her lilac scent has always calmed me down. So as I'm laying there in her arms, I find my eyes becoming heavier and heavier.

"Remember," I hear Lana's now distant voice. "I'll always love you."

My heart flutters as I feel her kiss my forehead before I fall into a deep, unconscious sleep.

Thank you so much for reading!!! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

I think I'm going to start to post a question down her so I can connect with you more.. I would love to!

Q: favorite underrated song that nobody has probably heard before?

Love You!!

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