Chapter 21

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Junky Pride


Lana is cuddled up against me. Mostly my stomach. She is having a moment with our daughter. I can hear her whispering to my stomach, and our girl answers by kicking. It's truly a surreal experience.

"Yes. And when we meet for real, I won't ever let you go. You will be my princess." My heart melts at how attached Lana already is to our baby.

I hear Lana and I'd phone buzz at the same time. Lana sighs heavily, then kisses my stomach before grabbing them.

"It's the jury. They've made a decision..."


We are waiting back in the court room. The jury hasn't quite come out yet. I feel Jack burning holes in the side of my head. I am squeezing Lana's hand so hard. I don't know how she hasn't said anything.

Finally the door opens, and they all come out single file.

"Will the defendant please rise." Every one does. And the judge enters. After all that, we all sit down except the jury member reciting the convictions.

"Jack Patterson, is Guilty of all accused chargers, which include...." I don't bother paying attention. I just fall into Lana's arms and she holds me. My face must be red from crying tears of joy.

I feel Lana look over at Jack. So I move my head to see what his reaction is.

His face is almost red with anger. He looks over at us and makes eye contact with me. The desire to do his worst to me extremely evident.

His Junky Pride has been squashed, that's for sure.

The officers take him away and he continues to look at me. His eyes quickly avert to Lana's gaze. Sending the same death wish her way as well. That pursuades Lana to hug me closer against her.

As soon as Jack has left the court room, both of us physically relaxe. I look up at Lana, both of us now having a look of joy on our faces. She leans down and places her lips on mine. I gladly kiss her back.

There was no shame between us. The thought of a homophobic audience never crossed our minds. We were just a couple that has won a lawsuit and conviction and is celebrating like any other couple.

We can't keep the smiles off our faces. We just look into each other's eyes and stay sitting, feeling content in each other's presence.

Lana helps me stand up and then takes my hand in hers. I wrap my fingers in hers, and I know it's cheesy, but it feels like our hands fit together like LEGO pieces.

"Um... excuse me?" Lana and I look up. A women about our age with bangs and red hair flowing over her shoulders walks up to us.

"I would like to thank you." She has a shy but excited smile on her face. And her accent is definitely not American.

"You two have inspired me. Standing up to him. Telling him you are strong. And also for your unapologetic way of showing affection. It's time that happens..." she is playing with her hands, most likely out of nerves.

Lana looks down at me, and I up to her. Then back at the redhead. Lana and I have equally happy smiles plastered on our faces by this point.

"Thank you so much...." Lana waits for the women to answer.

"Florence. Florence Welch." She extends her hand. Which Lana and I receive immediately.

"And you obviously know us. But you are totally right...."

"It's time we are able to show our affection..." I interrupt Lana. I feel her joy radiating from her skin.

There is a very short silence. And watching Florence gives me the vibe like she is trying to work up the courage to ask us something.

"May I ask you a question, Marina? Please don't take this the wrong way..."

I reassure her to ask. To help calm her nerves.

"Are you..." she takes a step closer and whispers, "pregnant?"

Lana and I look over at each other. She kept the question quiet, so I look back at her with the truth.

"Yes.... how did you know?" Florence tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You have this glow about you. One that I could only associate with with that. And if you are at the right angle, you can clearly see...." I move my posture enough so I can place a hand on her bicep. Her face freezes slightly.

"Why don't you come out to lunch with us? I'm seriously craving a burger right now." Lana and Florence laugh. I feel Lana give me the squeeze of approval from our conjoined hands.

"Hey, Nathan." The three of us look over at him. Lana successfully gained his attention. "Want to come to lunch with us?" Lana moves her hand from mine to motion to the three of us.

"Sure." And with Nathan's simple word of approval, we head to a diner, along with a new friend.

I am so sorry it took a fat second for me to upload!! It took me a couple days to stop procrastinating.😂😂

So did you like the new character!! I felt that Florence helped the plot move forward, and help a couple people in the process...

And also Jack!! It's official official now that I kinda bases him off of Marin's Real Life Boyfriend. At the time of starting this and naming characters, I didn't really know about Jack and Marina. 💖💖

Thank you so much for reading!!! Please consider voting and commenting if you enjoyed, it would help.

Love You!!

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