Chapter 16

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Troubled Mind


I know she's keeping something from me. She was disturbed when she was sleeping, like a nightmare was haunting her dreams.

She was restless. I brought her close to me, hoping it would help. Cradling her head in my arms. I'm just thankful I had started to fall asleep and loosen my grip. She bolted upright faster than I've seen anyone.

She is back in my arms. And I'm holding her, comforting her, for dear life.

Over the last couple of days, I have felt Marina start to become more distant. And I'm no better. Mother has planted a tiny seed of doubt.

We have only been together for two weeks. Two. Fucking. Weeks. My feelings are definitely real. I know Marina's are as well.

Then why am I feeling like something is about to pull us apart?

My Troubled Mind is reeling relentlessly. And I won't stop.

I just force myself to go back to sleep. MYbe that will help all this pain.


I expect the to be forcing its way through the curtains. But I am wrong. Only the moonlight.

I look over towards the table clock.

5:13 pm

I will myself to move. That's when I notice the cold sheets.

Marina's gone.

That helps me get up faster, and notice the bathroom door closed. My heartbeat slows down, knowing she is ok.

Marina and I have basically slept the last two days away. Marina needed her rest for sure, I'm just surprised that I was able to sleep as much as I did.

I slide out of our bed and head over to the dresser. We've been sharing shirts as of late. All my band shirts are looser around her stomach and surprisingly a tiny bit looser around her breast.

I open drawers and take out what I need. I find a comfortable pair of leggings and, of course, a band shirt.

"That ones my favourite on you." I look back at Marina. She has a mirrored look to mine. Except she is wearing yoga pants. She claims they are more comfortable with her protruding stomach growing.

I look down at the one I pick out. The intricate rose pattern surrounding the pair of guns is calming.

"Thanks." I walk over to her and kiss her forehead before bringing her close.

She brings her arms between us and they rest there. She burrows her face into the base of my neck, and soon in feel her quiver.

"Babe..." I rub her back to try and comfort her. I know this has something to do with her nightmare a few hours earlier.

"You want to talk about it?" I feel her slightly shake her head against my chest.

I feel my heart break a little bit at her answer. But she needs time.

"Can we go out tonight?" Marina mumbles into my chest.

"Of course."


I hold the door for Marina and she walks in, with me close behind her. I see her place her hands on her ever growing abdomen waiting for me.

"Two?" I nod towards the waitress. We are soon seated in a booth. Marina absentmindedly scoots next to me.

"Anything to drink?" The waitress is looking kindly at us.

"Two waters please." Marina quickly orders for the both of us. Which I'm completely fine with.

Marina picks up a menu. Looking through it. I know she is looking for a more healthy option, that is what she enjoys.

I eventually settle on a chicken ceaser salad. Why not start to eat healthy? Marina is ultimate body goals. I look over at her with love. And I'm lucky enough to have her in my life.

When the waitress returns, we order. She ordered the house salad. Honestly not a surprise.

"I love you." Marina looks over at me slightly surprised. Like she wasn't expecting that.

"Uh, I love you too, Lana." I'm surprised shen she takes the initiative and kisses me. Which we haven't exactly done in public before.

She holds me, in more a 'please protect me way', than anything. I can feel the fear start to seep out of her body.

She is scared out of her mind, and I don't know why. She is shaking, and I can't help. She won't tell me. But I can take her mind off of it.

"How's our little girl?" Marina slightly stops shaking.

"Good. The perfect little angel." I hear the smile start to return to her face.

Her Troubled Mind starts to ease a tiny bit, and an idea pops in my head.

"You with the sad eyes," I sing quietly into her ear.

"Don't be discouraged," she immediately starts to calm down as I start to sing, most likely, her favorite song.

"Oh I realize it's..."

"Hard to take courage," Marina finally interrupts me to sing the next line. I bring her closer to me. Now I know,

She'll be ok.


Happy (early) New Year!!! I don't know how to feel with New Year literally around the corner. 2018 was full of joy and happiness, but sadly also very stressful and full of pain and sadness. Isn't a year like that common though? Ups and downs? Probably. I just hope with the unavoidable New Year, that 2019 will turn out better.

Thank you so much for reading!!! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it! It would mean a lot to me..

Love You!!

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