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Ianto's POV:

It was noon and I was exhausted from the all nighter Jack and I had pulled. I sat at my desk holding my banging head. Larissa came to me with advil and coffee.

"You made coffee?" I asked surprised. I didn't know Jack was watching me. I looked at her..She smiled and leaned down.

"I know how to cook a lot of things. Try it" She said. I sighed and popped open the advil first. I took two and then tried the coffee. I had to admit it was pretty good.

"Good huh...Not as good as yours of course but still" She said leaning forward. She was dangerously close to my face and I glanced at her.

"I have work to do Larissa. Thanks for the coffee and advil" I said clearing my throat. I turned to my computer and began typing furiously. God...was she coming on to me...Was this why she had been nice to me for the past two days? Ever since she saw Jack and I kiss she had been like this. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes.

"Yan...Let's go out...For lunch" I heard Jack say behind me. I jumped up and almost fell out of my chair. I ended up landing on Jack's crotch when I went to straighten up. I heard Jack let out a groan and he backed up slightly.

"Sorry Jack...I'm tired and I didn't see you" I said rambling.

"It's fine Yan..Come with me to lunch" Jack said. I got up slowly and put my jacket on. He kissed me lightly and grabbed my hand. I smiled and followed him out of Torchwood. We went to the small restaurant across the street. We had gotten to talk for a while. We had a lot of fun. We were both laughing so much they kicked us out of the restaurant.

"Apparently they didn't like people having fun" Jack said. I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist. We got to look at the ocean from the pier.

"God...It's a beautiful day outside..I was beginning to forget being outside already" I said. I really didn't want to be alone when I walked outside anymore.

"Nothing like that will ever happen to you on my watch Yan" Jack said. I planted a light kiss on his lips and then watched the ocean again. It was 5 by the time we returned to Torchwood.

"Come on love birds... Ianto, Where's the file on Mr. Barrymore?" Mathew asked.

"It's on my desk... I'll get it. My desk is so messy unfortunately" I said.

"If your desk is unorganized then what must mine be to you? Filthy?" Jack asked. I laughed and winked.

"We can clean it later" I said as I grabbed the file on my desk. It was under a couple of others.

"Here" I said and I handed it to Mathew.

"Thanks! I needed to cross reference all the injuries to the file" Mathew said before disappearing back to the lab.

"Well...It looks like we have nothing better to do" Jack said. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Jack instantly sat beside me and stroked my head. I yawned unwillingly.

"Do I tire you?" Jack asked.

"No...Well the all nighter certainly did...I can barely feel my lower half because of you" I said laughing. Jack laughed loudly and smiled.

"1) How you take power and you don't overuse it" I heard Jack's voice in my head. It had been a while since I heard Jack's voice in my head. I laid down and put my head on Jack's lap. He was stroking my face.

"2) How strong your getting....not only physically...but mentally" Jack said. I just smirked.

"3) How good you sing" Jack said smirking.

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