Fixing Him

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Ianto's POV:

I woke up to Jack shaking me awake.

"It's time to wake for now.  3:45 AM on the dot" He said. I groaned and sat up. I was exhausted and I felt my eyes immediately wanting to close.

"You need to stay awake" Says Jack worried.

"I have no way to stay up" I said groggily. I felt Jack sit up and place his hand on my neck. He got onto my lap.

"Fine then, Let's find a way to make you stay awake" He said.

"Jack...I'm damaged do you even still want me?" I asked opening my eyes. Jack's eyes met mine.

"I'd rather have you damaged...according to you then nothing. You mean Everything to me Ianto Jones....I'm never going to give up on you" He said. I kissed him and felt him slowly pushing me back. I moaned as I felt him kissing my neck. My hands flew up to unbuckle his Belt. I felt him grab my hand and then move to take of my pants.

"Teasing me..." I moaned. He chuckled and took my pants off without breaking the kiss. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, asking for entry. He obliged quickly and I felt his tongue fighting mine for dominance. I moaned loudly when I felt his hand scoop my member into his hand. I felt a smile creep onto his face as we kissed. I managed to get my hand to his belt and I unbuckled his pants quickly. I rolled us over so I was onto and I took off his pants. He moaned low when I had managed to reach his growing member.

30 minutes later

"It's 4:10 Yan...I-I think we're in the clear" Jack said panting. I was panting loudly next to him. We had  short lived sex but it felt good. It was the first time we had really had sex in almost two weeks. It felt as intimate as that first time.

"Are you two okay?It seems like there was quite a bit of commotion" Mathew asked through the door.

"Don't be a cockblock" Jack said. He was still panting loudly.

"Alright sheesh...5:15 comes and Ianto Jones...I order you to get some sleep...REAL SLEEP" Mathew said through the door.

"As you command Dr. Clark" I said. I felt my body slowly heating up and my breathing becoming unsteady again.

"Jack...It's starting again...I need to be kept busy the entire time....once it starts I can't stop it" I said. Jack worked quickly to Pull some pants on me and himself as I started searching for air.

"MATHEW I NEED THAT FREAKIN NEEDLE" Jack yelled. We were both shirtless but that didn't really matter at this moment. Mathew ran in.

"Your gonna be fine. Just take a deep breath and you won't feel the needle" Mathew said. I started panicking because I hated needles.

"He hates needles!! DON'T TELL HIM SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Jack said. He kissed me before I could say something. I felt the needle piercing my neck and I felt myself quickly being overcome by darkness.

2 hour later

I woke up sighing.

"This isn't going to stop anytime soon" I asked.  Jack and Mathew were both standing over me. I sighed and sat up in the bed.

"You didn't move me this time" I asked.

"No need..." Mathew said. I closed my eyes and shook my head as I thought of Gwen.

"What?" I heard Martha asked. She had bought us all coffee and was handing it out.

"Gwen's on my mind...." I said Shaking my head again. Jack took a seat on the bed next to me.

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