Visions Part 1

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Ianto's POV:

"It's been a while since I slept" I admitted to Jack. We were laying down in our bed together, just talking.

"What do you mean? You always seem to be sleeping?" he said.

"I just close my eyes and have these...premonitions... so far they've come true...." I said. I felt Jack sit up slightly and look at me.

"What do you mean?" he asked again.

"Remember when ....Lewis caused an outage at Torchwood....I knew it was going to happen or rather...I saw it happen...That's why I had a flashlight on me" i said. It felt great to be able to vent all of this.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I heard Jack's voice raising.

"What were you going to do about it?!" I raised my voice back at him. Jack stood up and started walking out. Jack only had a white tee- Shirt on with his black slacks and his suspenders and belt were loose on him.

"To get some sleep in the living room" Jack said while storming. I looked at the alarm clock. It only read 3:00 AM.

Jack's POV:

How the hell could he keep something that big from me? I walked into the living room and was surprised to see Lewis up.

"Hey, What are you doing up?" I asked him. He jumped up slightly.

"I could be asking you the same exact question...I'm updating the earpieces...I Couldn't sleep" Lewis responded. I just nodded slightly.

"What's wrong? You have that distant look in your eyes...." Lewis said turning his attention to me.

"Nothing..." I said. I saw Ianto leave our room and start walking towards me. I noticed him pause, almost as if he was having problems breathing. I sped walk and brought him back to our room. I turned on the light and Ianto looked paler than usual.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm having another vision" He said.

Ianto's POV:

I had never had a vision while I was awake before. I felt the pain erupting through my body.

"Jack!!....Damnit Anabeth! How could you betray the team? How could you?!....You have a sister?....They have her....Damnit...Jack! Jack! Can you hear me?....OH god Jack...there's blood everywhere..." I said it all out loud.

"What?" Jack asked placing his hands on my face. I started crying.

"Anabeth is going to give you up to the slitheens....They are going to take her sister" I said crying. Jack embraced me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"That's not going to happen....let's go get Anabeth's sister" Jack said. He put on a button down shirt and tightened his belt and suspenders. I put on my suit Jacket and followed him quietly.

"What's Anabeth's sister's address?" I heard Jack ask Lewis.

"What?" he asked.

"What. Is. Anabeth's. sister's. Address? Don't question me" Jack said. Lewis quickly wrote the address down and Anabeth's sisters name. He hands it to Jack who grabs the Torchwood keys from the key bowl. We both run to the car and Jack gets in the drivers seat. I was trying to remember more from the vision. I concentrated as hard as I could and suddenly I could hear what Jack was thinking in his mind.

"Damnit Ianto...I hate seeing him hurts me soo much" I heard Jack say.

"I try not to cry when I'm around you" I say out loud. Jack almost crashes the Torchwood vehicle into the wall when he hears this.

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