Easy to Love

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Ianto's POV:

I was exhausted...four hours of tireless sex and Jake wouldn't let me sleep even after the time was up. No panic attack but Jack was gonna kill me with all of this crazy sex. I got up and groaned. It was 7:45 and I and been awake since 3:45

"Sore?" Jack asked grinning.

"Maybe just a bit" I said as I walked to the tub and put the hot water on. Jack went to come in but I shut the door.

"A little alone time" I said. I didn't lock the door but I hoped Jack would listen. I closed my eyes and sunk into the steaming hot water. I let the soreness slowly leave my body.

Half an hour later

"It's been half an hour" said a familiar voice. I didn't open my eyes but I nodded.

"That's it, out your coming" He said.

"Or?" I asked as I turned to Jack. He was standing, naked in the bathtub. He started tracing letters on my stomach and sliding his hand down.

"He's at second base and running and running to third....He's passing third and he's making a run for home base...He's made it" Jack said sounding like a ring announcer. He cupped my member and I looked at him. His eyes were full of lust. Jack slowly forced himself in the bathtub by moving me towards the front. He was behind me and I could feel his member dangerously close to my ass. He was scrubbing me clean and it felt amazing. Before we realized, it was 8:45. We ran out of the bathtub and threw on clothing. I had my tie wrapped around my neck. Jack sighed and forced me to stop.

"Your forgetting something" He said.

"What? I have my phone and my jacket and you" I said smiling. He smiled but pulled me closer. He tied my tie and kissed me lightly.

"Now we can run to training"  He said. We ran through Torchwood and made it in time.

"You guys like cutting it close don't you?" Mathew asked. We sighed and pulled out jackets off and I loosened my tie.

"Your taking off your tie and your shirt. I'm not sending for dry cleaning again" Jack said.

"Only if you take off your shirt" I responded smirking. He gladly started unbuttoning his shirt. He took of his shirt and put it on top of our jackets. I took off my tie and my Shirt. I felt exposed in only a tight tee shirt.

"You knew I was wearing your tee shirt" I mumbled as I put my Shirt on his and my tie neatly on top. He nodded quickly. We both had tight tee shirts on.

"You two act like horny teenagers" Anabeth laughed "I missed that while on vacation".

"Anabeth and Mathew you can go first" I said realizing that I normally go last...Ianto and Larissa would be versing before I verse Ianto.

"I'll end up versing Larissa...Don't worry..I can verse you after...The Immortal part of me is kicking in..I'm healing much faster now...I cut myself when a glass fell on my hand. It's completely healed now" Ianto said whispering to me and showing me his hand. I nodded and held his hand.

"Begin" I said. Anabeth easily tripped Mathew.

"Your shoes untied" Anabeth said. Mathew looked at his shoes when he got up and Mathew uppercutted him.

"Damnit You gullible bastard" I said in my best welsh accent.

"Your getting better at it finally" Ianto said.

"I have a voice to help guide me" I responded looking at him. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before Martha cleared her throat.

"I thought you left?" I asked.

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