When you ask to take him shopping

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(Finally this request shall be done! They will once again suffer! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!)


"No. Just no. I am not supposed to see my mate showboating clothes.", he said, crossing his arms. You wanted to go shopping with him, but of course he was stubborn about it. "But it won't take that long!", you whined, wanting to get to a shoe sale. (Meh I have no idea. I'm not a girl who likes to shop. I'm the kind of girl who likes to sit at home, write, and PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!!!!) "Nope. Just nope.", he walked a way, giving you the 'talk to the hand' pose. "I guess I'll have to go myself."


"Hmmm... No.", he replied, with a claw on his chin. (Kinda hard to imagine. Lol) "What?! I thought you of all Pokémon, would have said yes.", you shouted, having a 'WTF', look. "Well I know you won't try on anything scanty, or sexy. So I know to say no.", he said snarkily, flinging his hand out. You groaned, starting to walk out the door. "Wait a sec. Could you buy something sexy?" You groaned again, slamming the door. "I take that as a no." (I laughed so hard writing this)


"Noooooo!!!! You know I don't have the patience to go!!!", he yelled clinging onto the couch. He really didn't have the patience and you knew it. You just wanted to torture him for the day. He kept clinging to the couch, even when you pulled your hardest. (That sounds wrong. It doesn't mean that though) "Agh!!! I guess I'm going without you. Also, don't try eat all the candy while I'm gone." Well I guess that was another form of torture.


He frowned and started to let out a string of curses. "Bleepity, bleepity, bleep!!!!!!!!" (They're so horrible I have to put that to censor them. Gosh he really does sound like Church.) Your eyes widened and you ran out the door, to the mall. You never asked that question again.


"I won't go unless it's for sweets.", he frowned, like the man-child he was. (Gah! I made him sound like Honey! ) "I'm going by myself then because I have to get groceries. And sweets are not on my list." He pouted and sulked in the corner.


He just sat there on the couch, with the most deadpan expression ever. "I'm not going. I don't want to stay in long boring lines and watch you try on clothes.", he said monotonously. You just sighed and left for the mall. But before, "You make it seem like Comic-Con!".


He ran to hide in the closet, not wanting to go at ALL. People would make fun of him and call him a girl. He didn't want that, so you left without him. And you bought ice cream to make him feel better, when you got back.


He hopped out the window, shouting out, "I want to frolic with my brothers now!!!!". That was a weird, yet understandable reaction.


"What is this shopping?", he asked innocently. You then explained it to him and he hid behind the couch. "I don't want to shop. There are too many humans.", he said meekly, his voice greeting quieter with each word. "Okay you don't have to. I'll go myself. Do you want anything though?" "Um.. A hug when you get back?" D'aaaawwwwww!!! (I made him way to cute. *sighs* -//////-)


"Shopping huh? What's it like Emboar?", he asked your starter, after you asked him. Emboar made angry grunting noises, and Kyurem made an ahh of understanding. "Yeah I'm not going. I'm just gonna stay here and play some Zelda.", he spoke to you, then went over to your room, taking out your 3ds. "Ugh! Fine. I'm going by myself! Whimsicott come and go with me!", you shouted out to your grass type, as she came to you at the door. Emboar rolled his eyes again and just turned on the TV.


"NOPE! I don't want to! Even my brothers would say no!", he frowned, flinging his hands into the air. You shrugged, then left to go to whatever it was.

(Welp that was short. I just really want to do another funny one. It's called Epic Fail. Guess what happens. :3 See ya next time! ~ Strife)

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