They confess that they like you

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(A little note. This takes place from a few months to a year from the last scenario.)


He learned the name of the emotions he felt towards you. It was love, and admiration. He was going to tell you he loved you, and hopefully not earn a disgusted reaction. After all, humans are another species of Pokemon. He gulped in nervousness as he waited outside your bedroom door. He quickly knocked on the door and waited. You opened the door and smiled seeing your companion. "Oh hey. You need something buddy?" "A-all I need is your affections.", he whispered nervously, afraid you might reject him. "What did you say?" You stared at him confused. A light blush covered his cheeks. "I need your affections.", he spoke somewhat louder. You grasped him into a tight hug, nearly making him faint with the strength of it. "Aw. That's so sweet!"


Okay, he was going to finally say it. He was going to tell you how much your personality rivaled the sun, and how he loved you. Well, maybe not that in that fashion. He got a small bouquet to give you. When you came down the hallway, he started to freak. He didn't know anything about human females, the closest thing was his sister, Cressillia. Whom was a complete bitch. When you looked over at him and smiled, he tossed the bouquet in your direction. Then all he could do was quickly vanish, so he couldn't be even more embarrassed than he already was. You picked up the flowers, and smiled even wider.


Unfortunately, the time-lord was having a tough time even coming near you. He was having a kick of shyness and embarrassment. So you had to approach him yourself.

"Dialga are you alright?" He turned around, covering his face with his hands. "Y-yes. Do I seem otherwise?" You gave him a look. "Yes you do. Now tell me what's going on?" He had tears in his black and red eyes, the look of betrayal evident on his face. "Oh honey, are you alright?" Dialga gave in and confessed that he was afraid that you wouldn't love him. You hugged him with all the compassion you could muster. "I love you too. So never ever thing otherwise."


He couldn't tell you he liked you. No, it would ruin his image as a hyper masculine macho man. 'Though', he thought, 'It wouldn't be so bad. I don't want to ever be misgionist.' So he stormed up to you and confessed with the most positive feelings he had ever put into anything. Then he hugged you with the greatest care.


He ran up to your door with the happy feeling of love. He was completly ready to tell you he loved you. Of course he was nervous, who wouldn't be. He skipped to your door and knocked. "Oh, Giratina. What're you up to? Going up to bro's room and all?" "I was just going to tell you I love you with all my heart. Is that okay?" Once again he was talking fast. "Y-yeah. I guess?" Confused to what he was saying, you had to agree because the question sounded innocent enough.


His calm demeanor, that seemed to be his original personality, took a dive into the deep end. He took a deep breath and went into your bedroom. You turned your gaze to Lugia, "Oh hello." You were watching a re-run of one of your favorite day-time television shows. "How're you?" He stiffened. He had absolutely no idea what to do. "Hi." "You didn't answer my question. Are you alright?" "... Just fine." "Lemme guess. You have a crush on me?" You questioned in a straight-forward manor. "Yes."


He jumped on you and confessed in best way he knew how. You threw him off, and swore at him for a few minutes. Then you took a deep breath, and loked off to the side. "I'm sorry about that. I know you've always had a crush on me, and so have a I." Secretly you were looking at giant note cards that your Nidoqueen was holding up in the background, where Rayquaza couldn't see. He spun in happiness at your answer and skipped off. Once he was out of sight, you then hi-fived your Nidoqueen for the help.


What has he gotten himself into? He wanted to give you flowers to confess, but he burned them by accident. He tried to give you a card, yet he burned it. It was all the same, everything he tried to give you got burned. Dang it! He sighed, he guessed he was going to have to tell you outright. He knocked on your door and waited. You poked your head out, giving a questioning look. "I've tried to give you things to make you like me back. But I've decided that I need to tell you. I love you.", his voice cracked a few times. "Allright!" "Huh?!" "Yeah I like you too. It's nice you've tried to give me things, but I didn't need them at all.", you smiled.


He stood shaking before your door, ready to tell you that he loves you. He hesitantly knocked on the door, and cringed when it opened with a creak. "Oh hey. What's up? It's not like you to go up to a person's door. At all.", you said, as you leaned against the door frame. "U-u-u-uh. I-I-I-I-I l-l-l-love you-u-u-u. W-w-wit-t-th all m-my heart.", he meekly stuttered out, catching you by surprise. "You love me? But I'm just a regular old human.", you stated shocked but, happy. "Well, why wouldn't I? You've stood up for me, when I'm weak. And I love you for that.", he said, actually not stuttering this time. "I love you too.", you replied, happily.


He was completely and utterly ready. You both lived together now as friends. Yet he wanted to be more than that. He pushed open the door, and asked, "(y/n)? Would you like to be my (girlfriend/boyfriend?". He rubbed his shoulder shyly and blushed a little, his cheeks becoming a light blue. (He's an ice-type. That's why.) You looked at him and so did Emboar. You smiled and said, "Yes I would. I would love to.". Emboar only let out a grunt of annoyance, not pleased his master was getting into a relationship. Then he smiled too, still crossing his arms though.


He ran up to your door and silently waited. "Hm? You aren't here to take something from me are you?", you asked. He gulped in anxiousness, then blurted out, "I love you please be my loved one!". He let out sigh of depression, knowing you were going to reject him, then throw him out. Surprisingly, you smiled, a large sincere smile. "Of course I would. You were thinking I would reject you, right?", you agreed, jabbing him in the chest. He smiled back and gave you a hug. "Thank you so much!"

A/N ( I forgot to do a disclaimer. I do not own anything but the story and every other crazy thing I write. I only wish that people would make more Alphonse x Readers, out there.)

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