When you battle with him

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Your stupid, stupid rival Melanie (or something else if that is your name :3)came up and issued forth a battle. "You may be the Champion (y/n) but, I will be after I beat you!!!!", she snootily said. Your face began to heat up in anger, at her stupid, stupid tone. Mewtwo came out of his Poke ball, concerned for your health. "Uh...This human is, your rival correct?" "Yes! And a total brat! Help me!" "Of course dear.", he easily obliged. He wiped out every single Pokemon of Melanie's. "You little......CHEAT!!!! No legendaries are allowed in battle!!! I WIN!!!" Wide eyed Mewtwo whispered to you, "I guess she's a definite sore loser." "Mmmhmmm."


Nope! Full of nope!! "Hey (n/n)! This time I'll win and I'll be champion of all Sinnoh!!! Ahahahaha!!!!" Shit! Your crazy rival who deserves to be in a nut house, challenged you. "My little one, should I....", Darkrai asked, wondering if he could trap your rival in a nightmare. For a little bit, he isn't cruel. "No. Just....beat up his team." "Okay.", he did so, but before he scared your rival so bad, pee dripped out of his pants. I guess his teeth should be put away. 


Your rival came up to you, and slapped you in face. She then insulted you, with horrible swears. "I want you to battle me bitch!" "D-dialga?", you asked your boyfriend sadly, him easily knowing what to do with the pleading look in your eyes. He transformed back into his regular form and quickly took out your rivals team. "Resorting to a legendary, how pathetic.", she sashayed away. Dialga looked at her curiously, with his red and black orbs, wondering what in hell was her problem.


His teeth gritted in rage at your overly hyper rival. "Please please please!! I wanna have a battle!! I've never fought a legendary before!!!" Palkia's eye twitched before turning to you,"What's wrong with battling the guy? It'll be over quick." "But I don't wanna hear him whine, when I kick his ass." "Like you're doing now? Don't be such a party pooper." "Fine.", he transformed back into Pokemon form and kicked his Pokemon's behinds.


Your rival being the dick he is, he  physically harmed you before challenging you. Oh, yes your darling boyfriend had to watch all this. "G-ghirim. P-please b-b-beat him up." Giratina grew a wicked grin, then transformed back into a Pokemon. He completely destroyed you rival's team. "This is definitely what boyfriends are for!!!"


Your rival was sickly and you felt bad when he challenged you before. But you felt worse now. You boyfriend easily beat up his team, and Wally seemed depressed. (yes it is sickly little Wally. :'( ) "I'm so sorry! Ray come and comfort him." Rayquaza looked at him guiltily and gave Wally a hug.


Oh crap. You were just walking, this time with your boyfriend and you were issued forth a challenge. "You must battle me (y/n) or else a....tornado will kill you!", he shouted, the two of you gave a look of utter confusion. "Should I...." "Yes!" "Allrighty!", he transformed into his fuzzy wuzzy self and kicked your rival's Pokemon up.


Your rival challenged you, and made fun of you too. You crossed your arms and pouted. "Hey Arc? Do you mind?", you asked your boyfriend slyly. "Oh no. I don't.", he smiled creepily, and transformed back. He then beat the crap outta your rival's team.


Your rival Cheren was being the know-it-all he was, and said your strategies were weak. So in that case, he challenged you. Kyurem and Emboar looked at him angrily. Emboar's flames went up, and Kyurem almost froze him. "Hey Kyu? Wanna beat the crap outta him?" "Why the heck not?!". He transformed back and beat the crap outta Cheren's team.


"Who is this guy?", he asked you, pointing to your rival. "This is my rival whom I can ButtFace. His name isn't actually that, but he's a jerk.", you explained, with your rival ranting in the background. "I came here to challenge you and you will get it!", he screamed. Reshiram looked at you, then at ButtFace. He transformed into his usual self and beat up ButtFace's team. (I love naming Green that in FireRed. )

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