When he does something weird

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You peered into the door of your den, wondering what Mewtwo was doing at this hour. He was stacking books a top one another in a card pyramid shape. There were other books strewn a long the floor laced together. "Uh, what are you doing?" Mewtwo flinched and his pyramid toppled. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I got bored. I read them all."


He came prancing out of your room wearing a skirt. One of your old ballet tutus to be exact. You stared at him with the most shocked look on your face. "Everyone thought I was a girl. So I'm going to embrace that today." "Are you going to wear that all day?", you asked pointing at him. "All day. No questions asked."


He drew handelbar mustaches all over your art. With permanant marker. You caught him in the act and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You slimy little..." "Hey I was bored.", he lifted his hands up in defense.


He was wearing a Galacta Knight costume and it wasn't even close to being Halloween. "What is that?", you asked giggling. "He looks like me. Meta Knight looks like brother. 'Nuff said." Well he wasn't wrong.


He popped into your bathroom by mirror and drew an apple. All the mirrors in the house were covered in drawn on fruit, even a Pomagranate. "I love fruit! Eat some with me!" This is the weirdest he's acted all week.


He thought you weren't home. So the only logical thing was to do was the underwear dance. From the movie I don't remember the name of. As he was doing the first portion by sliding into the kitchen, you walked out and accidentally smacked him in the face. You saw him all in the embarrassing entirety. Only wearing boxers, socks, one of your large white T-shirts, and your vintage aviator sunglasses. You swiped the sunglasses off and told him, "Get some pants on."


You walked in on him in the bathroom. He just so happened to be braiding his hair. Thankfully just braiding his hair. "You know that's usually done to girls, right? But you do look really good that way." He blushed at your statement.


Oh boy! Felinar must've given him a doozy of a dare. He was dancing around the kitchen singing the peach song. "Thousands of peaches, millions of peaches, PEACHES!!!!!", he fininshed when he got out a carton of milk. "What the...." "Oh no. Felinar didn't dare me. I just wanted peaches.", he replied before taking a chug out of the milk.


He was sewing, and that was odd. "Why're you doing that?", you asked. "Oh I wanted to make you something. I thought I should repay you, for everything you've done for me.", he said in his soft voice. "D'awwwwww!!!!". (To me I thought he would sound like a male Fluttershy. I don't actually watch it, I just thought that would be a good example. :/)


He was making a winter wonderland, in your LIVING ROOM!!!!! This was absurd! "What are you doing!? Emboar and I are going to get a cold!" "Oops sorry. You seemed like you needed the cold because, it was so hot outside!" It was the middle of summer, and it was boiling. "I guess you're right.", you gave up, and just flopped into the snow, feeling a lot better.


He was just prancing around the house, like some kind of idiot. "Why're you doing that?", you asked. "I want to and I'm bored. You should've bought me some video games." Then he kept going like that all day.

(I no own, you no sue. Raise your hand if you're a Meta Knight fangirl. ;3)

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