How You Met

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Making the long trek through Cerulean Cave wasn't the easiest task. Well, that could be said for becoming champion of the Kanto region but regardless, it wasn't something you'd want to do again with how dark it was. With your beloved Gengar beside you, you climbed the last few stairs to be confronted with the towering figure of the one and only Mewtwo. You steeled yourself before he turned around, his stare practically piercing your soul.

"A human, here?", he questioned, "If you hope to challenge me, prepare yourself!".

You quickly sent out Gengar to take on whittling Mewtwo down in hopes of catching him. If she even managed to survive an attack from the powerful Legendary. The battle would be long and arduous, but it would be entirely worth it to obtain one of the strongest Pokémon ever.


Finding the over fifty year-old member's card to the old and decrepit Canalave Inn was strange. Just how it fell into your lap was a complete and utter mystery but you weren't going to complain. However finding a creepy elderly man already inside the locked inn was a completely different matter. He ushered you to the nearest bed and if you could have moved on your own accord you would have. But some strange forced seemed to be moving your body to the bed and plopping you down on it. In an instant you fell asleep.

When your eyes opened you were laying on a patch of grass in the middle of nowhere. You slowly got up, feeling as if your body weighed as much as Groudon. Looking around you, you saw nothing but a wide expanse of water and a small forest in front of you. Seeking for a way out of there you ran into said forest. Only to find a small clearing with a nearly empty lake. As you walked into it a large shadow loomed next to yours and caught you by surprise. You jumped back a little and the shadow seemingly did the same. It then shifted and shook until it started to rise. Flowing white hair came up first, then a cerulean eye, then the rest of the creature. It floated and shifted it's weight a bit, then spoke.

"I see you've found the way here. Pray tell, how did you earn the member's card?"

You blinked, you couldn't believe this thing could talk. "Y-you can talk?", you asked.

"Why yes, of course dear human. I do understand that it is quite a strange thing but you may get used to it."

"Huh? What do you mean get used to it?"

"I'm going to stay with you. I want off this island and I need you to get me off of here. You're the only one who's found the member's card. Please, just... take me with you!", he cried. He clasped his claws together in a pleading motion, practically begging at your feet.

"Uh... uh... S-sure?"

His eye brightened in glee, pointing at your bag so you could grab a PokéBall. You took one out, merely grabbing a regular one. He shook his head, instead grabbing your bag from you, looking for a different one. He finally found a Dusk Ball and handed it to you.

"Why did you pick a Dusk Ball specifically?", you asked.

"I think it looks cool. C'mon it fits with me since I'm a dark type."

You rolled your eyes at him acting like a child despite him being a legendary. To get a little revenge you merely tapped the Dusk Ball to his forehead, instead of tossing it at him with a flourish. With him wanting to take him with you, you caught him. You then woke up.

Dialga & Palkia

Mt. Coronet was not a fun trek up, you cursed every single stair and stone hallway built in this mountain. You cursed them a second time, your legs barely holding your freezing body up. You swore if you died by frostbite you were cursing Arceus once you got to PokéHeaven. Once up at Spear Pillar your legs finally gave out. Laying on the cracked marble floor you pondered if going back up here just to catch a member or two of the Creation Trio was such a good idea. You shook your head, please if you made it up here twice it was more than worth the leg pains to catch some of the most powerful Pokémon. You hesitantly got up, your legs pleading you not to, and faced towards the end of the platform. Both of the legendaries' portals floated there, ready for you to summon them. You tapped the blue one, then the pink one, waiting for the both of them to pop up and fight them one at a time. You sat back down waiting for them patiently and letting your legs earn some more rest. First Dialga poked his large head out of his portal, turning its head in your direction. Palkia then mirrored it, as they both stepped out of their portals, awaiting you to catch them. They stood there solemnly as you approached Dialga first, petting one of its large trunk-like legs.

Legendary Pokemon/Gijinka Boyfriend Scenarios (ON HIATUS)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα