18: Unexpected

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"Calum said he would come if it was okay with everyone." I told Sage as I finished straightening the ends of my hair.

Luke had called earlier asking if we wanted to meet up and grab something to eat. Everyone was going so I thought it would be the perfect time to invite Calum. Luke said he didn't care; Hopefully, no one else would either.

"Alright, I'm cool with it. We can pick him up on the way if he wants." Sage replied, leaning into the mirror and touching up her makeup.

"Kay, I'll let him know." I said, gliding my thumbs over my phone.

"I think I'm just going to leave my stuff here." Sage said as I looked up to see her rumaging through her pile of stuff in the corner of my room.

The word had spread the day before that school was being called off until further notice. The cafeteria fire had gotten out of control and they were unable to feed a whole student body on short notice. They were already working on the damage but apparently it would take just a few days. Therefore, Sage ended up staying over at my place again after a day of wandering around town with the guys.

When we first got back to my place, my mother was in the livingroom waiting for me to get home. I was quite anxious to see her reaction to my new look. When she saw me her eyes got wide; I'm sure she wasn't expecting me to look the way I did. A part of me was prepared for her disapproval, the other was fearful. However, instead of acting the way I assumed, she smiled and enlightened me on how lively I looked. I know it didn't take her long to link my looks back to Sage's as she glanced back and forth between us. She obviously knew Sage helped me with the outift and I knew she was already fond of her. Sage was great at sweet talking and making people adore her. I figured my mother would judge my appearance more than she would someone elses. But since she approved, it made me feel a lot more confident in what I was doing.

"Do you think Ashton will care that you're bringing Calum?" Sage asked, sitting on the edge of my bed as she watched me sit on the floor to put on my shoes.

I shrugged. "I don't know. He's so hard to predict... Besides, it's not like me and Calum are anything."

"Yeah, he was being a real asshole yesterday though-- more than usual." she snickered and I nodded in agreement.

"I guess that's the whole point of this. To really piss him off." I grinned, raising back to my feet. "I knew he was trying to just ignore me after a while but it didn't seem to work out as much as he probably planned."

"It's so obvious he has feelings for you. He's just an idiot who doesn't know how to show it properly. He's stubborn like any other male on this earth." she explained her theory.

"I honestly don't know, Sage." I shook my head. "He said some cruel things that night of the party. I can't imagine someone saying something so hurtful just because they want to hide their feelings. That sounds crazy to me." I sighed, my mind flashing back to the harsh moment. I rolled my eyes trying to forget the feelings I had before. "It doesn't matter anyway. Ashton's non-existent feelings for me is the last thing on my mind right now."

I guess that was halfway true. I knew they weren't there, yet I still sort of hoped for even the slightest change of heart from him. The least he could do is be civil with me.

"Whatever you say, Violet." Sage sighed, giving into my argument. "We should probably go. We still have to pick up Calum. Did you get his address?" she asked.

"Yup." I nodded and tucked my phone into my pocket.

I was excited to introduce Calum to everyone. After working together we had became really good friends. I knew he would get along with all of them. He would be a great addition to the group.

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