5: Look Away!

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"This isn't a good idea, Violet." said Grace as school finally let out for the day. We were heading out to the front so I could meet up with Ashton.

He had agreed to take me to see Matt and as much as I didn't like the thought of being alone with him, I wasn't passing up the opportunity to speak with my brother. I didn't want to think about it too much because I knew I would back out of it but ever since he offered to at lunch, Grace wouldn't stop trying to convince me from going. She had been against it all day, trying her best to come up with reasons why I shouldn't go.

"He definitely can't be trusted and you're going alone with him. That's one of the dumbest things you could do." she complained, following close to my side as we walked toward the student parking lot.

"I have to, Grace." I sighed, skimming the passing students and cars for Ashton. He was supposed to be waiting by a black car close to the bottom of the lot.

"Whatever you say, Violet." she shook her head, finally giving up and let out a sigh. I knew she was frustrated with me. "I have to go catch up with Luke before he leaves me so I'll see you tomorrow." she said turning in the other direction.

I could tell she was upset with my decision about going with Ashton. It might not have been the best idea but in the moment, I knew I needed time with Matt.

I made it close to the back of the parking lot, finally spotting Ashton leaning his back up against a decent black car. Seeing him gave me a sick feeling in my stomach, telling me this wasn't a good idea. I tried to push it to the side and not let my nerves get the best of me.

Ashton was staring down like he was in deep thought, oblivious to the cars passing by.

When I got closer he looked up from the ground, catching my gaze and I noticed the cigarette in his hand as he brought it up to his lips.

"You know that's a horrible habit?" I blurted out; it being the first thing that came to my mind. I stopped a few feet in front of him.

He just stared at me for a moment, bringing the cigarette from his lips. He blew out the left over smoke and broke the eye contact between us. "You know I don't care?" he mocked me using the same tone.

"Just thought I'd tell you." I shrugged, crossing my arms and glanced around. I knew he could get in trouble for smoking on school property.

"Well think again next time." he said taking another drag from the cigarette and shifted his weight over, looking off in another direction.

"Are you always this rude?" I glared at him, annoyed by his bad attitude. Everything that had came out of his mouth had been harsh since the day I met him.

"I'm not rude." he said in a dull voice as he dropped the cigarette and scraped it against the ground with his foot.

"You're the rudest person I've ever met." I stated matter-of-factually as I watched him.

He looked up my way, pushing off the car and stepped directly in front of me. His hazel eyes pierced down at me in a cold stare, making my heart race in nervousness and my body tense up.

"Let's go." he spoke low, before passing me up and getting into, what I assumed was, his car.

I followed his lead and got into the passenger side, putting on my seat belt. He glanced over at me as I did so and let out a small laugh under his breath as he started the car.

"What?" I questioned, looking over at him.

He just shook his head with a smirk on his lips and proceeded to pull off.

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