14: Forget The DNA

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My mind had been taken over by clips of the day before. Scenes of mine and Ashton's skip day played in my mind over and over again like a favorite movie you could never get tired of. For the first time in a while I found myself unable to focus in class. I was too distracted by my thoughts.

I would picture everything just the way it was: Ashton with his arm stretched across the couch as I was leaned in to his side comfortably. His hazel eyes  looking deep into mine as I caught myself frozen in his gaze. I could still remember the warmth of his breath when he leaned in to my lips, the pounding in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach. And for that small second in time, I would imagine that his phone hadn't rang, that his lips actually met mine and that we had shared a meaningful kiss.

There was nothing wrong with me daydreaming of that, right? The night before, after Ashton had casually dropped me off from work, I spent a good amount of time analyzing the whole situation. I was being irrational before when I doubted Ashton's motives of kissing me. Of course he was going to and without a second thought, I would have kissed him back.

Ashton was good looking, he made me laugh and smile, and I enjoyed his company. I had a hard time admitting it to myself before but I was attracted to him. It's not something that I could help or control. It just kind of happened.

I hadn't felt a genuine attraction to someone in quite a while. My last boyfriend had been over a year ago prior to this. I still found guys cute but as for an actual connection, there had been none.

Until Ashton.

It intimated me in a way and the realization hit me fast. I wasn't expecting to get any type of feelings toward Ashton. I hadn't exactly been out in the market, confidently shopping for a hot piece of inked skin that was roughly 6 feet tall. This was something I was not prepared for but willing to face. I couldn't be straight up honest with Ashton and tell him what I was feeling. There could always be that chance that he didn't feel anything and then I would have embarrassed myself, possibly ruining the growing friendship.

"Violet!" Grace's voice shouted, repeatedly beating her hand on the desk causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"What?" I blinked, leaning up from my desk as I cluelessly looked up at the blonde standing over me. I then glanced around noticing the empty desks surrounding me while the students collected at the door.

"It's time for lunch." she informed me, resituating the bag on her shoulder. She was giving me a suspicious look which I ignored.

"Oh right." I slipped my books from my desk as I stood up and gave her a quick smile before leading us out into the hallway.

"Why are you so sidetracked and distant today?" Grace blurted out, breaking the awkward silence between us, "You've been like that a lot lately, but today is like 10 times worse."

I knew I had been in my own world but I wasn't aware of me acting like that apart from today.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired, I guess." I shrugged, knowing that wasn't the truth.

The truth was, I wanted to spill every single detail about Ashton--but I couldn't. I was kept repeating everything in my head. I knew if it weren't for him, Grace would love to hear the story and gossip about it all day long. I craved moments like that with my best friend but if I told her, there was a high possibly that she would just be mad instead.

"Well that's fine but I still want you to come over. We need to get a head start on our Biology project." Grace said and pulled out her packed lunch as we sat down at our table.

"Of course! I feel like I haven't been over in forever." I smiled wide. Grace's house was a second home to me. I loved her dad and step mom; they always made me feel like family.

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