4: New Deal, Who Dis?

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For the rest of the weekend I made sure to keep my phone around at all times just in case Matt called. I tried my best to keep my mind off of it but it was hard since I had absolutely nothing to do. Grace had to call off on our plans to go to the movies because she was sick so I was stuck at home doing nothing but being lazy and watching Netflix.

After a while of complete boredom, I was laying all stretched out on the couch and mindlessly began going through my phone. I came across a random number that I didn't recognize. I checked the time of the call and I realized it was the number Matt had called from the night before. I stared at it and chewed on my bottom lip, contemplating on whether to call it or not.

I thought about how he could possibly get upset if I called but then I thought about it some more and came to the conclusion that I didn't really care. It was worth a try.

I sat up from the couch where I was laying down and pressed to call. It rang only twice before someone picked up.

"Hello?" A guy's voice answered.

"Ugh, hello?" I responded not too sure if it was Matt, yet.

"How much are you wanting?" the voice continued on. I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Excuse me?" I questioned completely confused.

But they didn't say anything. I heard a rustling sound of the phone, a faint voice in the background and then they hung up.

I didn't really think about it and redialed. I had a strong feeling it was Matt and he just didn't want to talk. But even if it wasn't, I figured he would be around.

It went straight to voicemail so I tried again. I tried several times but no one would answer. I thought if I kept calling they would get annoyed and finally pick up but I was wrong.

I sighed, finally giving up after numerous calls and stopped for the night. I had school the next morning and didn't need to stay up worrying about my selfish brother. I might have been worried but the more I thought about it, the more it was making me mad. He had no right to treat me like I'm nothing when we had always been there for each other. It wasn't fair to me. And it definitely wasn't fair to our mother; although, I would never let her know I've heard from him. She wouldn't be able to handle the stress.


"Hey, I'm so sorry about canceling over the weekend!" Grace came up from behind me. I turned to look back at her as I closed my locker.

"Don't be. You were sick," I gave her reassuring smile. "Are you feeling any better today?"

She had her blonde hair down and pulled to the side letting it fall over her shoulder as usual. She was wearing this pale pink sweater with light jeans. She looked like her typical innocent self.

"Yeah, I'm a lot better actually." She gave me a smile, nodding. Her eyes wide and bright blue.

"Well, good." I nodded as we started walking down the hallway.

When I looked down to check the books in my hands, someone bumped into my shoulder almost knocking me off my balance.

"Oh shit. Sorry, Violet!" The blonde headed boy apologized, resting his hand on my shoulder for a split second. I instantly recognized him when his crystal blue eyes met mine. Luke Hemmings.

He smiled apologetically. I couldn't help but to return the gesture and give a quick nod.

"Geez, Luke watch where you're going!" Grace called out, scolding him.

"Fuck off." He fanned his hand up at her, signaling her to hush as he started walking again.

Luke was Grace's step brother; however, it was weird how much they resembled each other with their blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a senior just like us and I had a few mutual classes with him.

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