13: New Face

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"What about Blink 182?" Ashton named off another band and stuffed his mouth with popcorn. He was sat on the floor with his back against the wall and faced me as I was stretched out across my bed on my stomach.

"Nope!" I shook my head without any hesitation. I was already anticipating the backlash I was going to get from him.

We had been through this over and over again. Ashton would name a band and I would reveal my absent knowledge of them. He would criticize my lack of music taste before listing off a few songs I should listen to which I would scribble down in my notepad. We had been doing this for at least an hour. It was interesting to listen to him babble on about the different bands.

After the false alarm from my mother coming home, I was soon relieved with a text from her informing me that she wouldn't be home until around 8pm. I was terrified when I first realized I had a message from her. I stared at it for at least 30 minutes contemplating on whether or not to open it. I thought she was going to call me out for skipping but Ashton convinced me it was a long shot. Of course he was right, like usual.

Everything was fine now. The paranoia I had about my mom coming back home disappeared and we were able to relax. Ashton and I ended up raiding my stash of movies then argued over whether comedies or horrors were the best kind. We had decided to watch one of each and now we were snacking on popcorn while he quizzed me on a bunch of bands I knew nothing about.

"Fucking shit, how have you not heard of Blink? Everyone knows them!" his face was full of complete shock. His long legs were stretched out in front of him and a half eaten bowl of popcorn rested on the top of his thighs.

"Of course I've heard of them! I just haven't heard their music." I corrected him as I kicked my feet back and forth behind me. When we had first started this little game I had been embarrassed by my cluelessness of the bands, but after the first few I got used to Ashton's reactions. It was entertaining to watch him get so worked up over me not knowing.

"That's even worse! You're lame as fuck." he scolded and pitched popcorn at me from across the room. I ducked my head and still failed to dodge it. I gasped and a giggle slipped from his lips. I instantly took some popcorn from my own bowl and chucked them back at him.

He must have anticipated my motives because he quickly squinted his eyes and opened his mouth wide. He luckily caught a piece and his eyes widened, amazed by it.

"Hell yeah, I'm good." he laughed, bragging about his so called victory.

"That was definitely my fault. I aimed perfectly!" I protested, trying to take the credit.

"Whatever, that was all me. You weren't even trying!" he argued back, the grin curved on his lips showing off his dimples. Someone could spot them a mile away.

"Oh please, catching popcorn in your mouth isn't that hard! Anyone can do it." I joked and rolled my eyes.

"Well, think fast then Munchkin!" Ashton rushed the words out before I could understand them and he quickly tossed a piece of popcorn in my direction. I tilted my head back as fast as possible trying to catch it but it bounced off my forehead instead causing Ashton's laugh to fill the room.

"That's not fair! I wasn't ready and you stink at aiming." I complained, giggling slightly and repositioned myself so I was sitting on my knees. This time I was ready.

"Okay fine, whiny-ass." he chuckled and I dismissed his foul words. I was used to his harsh language by now. I knew better than to take it seriously anymore.

I waited as Ashton stirred through his bowl of popcorn before picking out a decent piece. He grinned and squinted one eye as if he was trying hard to aim it. He finally pitched it over and I had to slightly lean forward to catch it.

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