3: Like Old Times

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Just like Matt asked I didn't say a word to mom about our plan to meet up. By the time I finally made my way downstairs, she was all ready for bed after her long night shift. She didn't question why I had gotten dressed or where I was going, which was a good thing. I wouldn't have known what to say and even if I did, I am a horrible liar. I always have been, probably always will be. I guess there was a sense of guilt every time I tried to lie and she could just tell right off the bat. So it was hopeless for me to even do it. Not that I really had anything to lie about anyways.

I wasn't the type of person to skip school or sneak out and go to parties. I didn't have any influences to persuade me to do so. The only person I really socialized with was Grace and she was just as good as I was. She was quiet but extremely nice and kept to herself when I first met her in grade 9. We were alike and I always figured that's why we became so close.

When I stepped off the bus across the street from Zeke's, I could already see Matt sitting in the window at our usual spot. We used to go to this place all the time and would sit in the exact same spot, getting the exact same thing every time. Zeke's had always been my favorite because of the wide open windows along the whole shop. The sun would beam down at the perfect angle, brightening up this whole part of town. Matt and I would always watch people walk by and pick out the strangest things. I missed spending so much time with him.

Matt noticed me as I crossed the street, greeting me with a small smile. The door dinged when I walked in and as I approached the table, I noticed he had already gotten our drinks. He was dressed in an old dark blue hoodie that I recognized and dark jeans. He stood up from his seat and I immediately went in for a hug. My arms easily wrapped around his torso. He felt so small it worried me.

"Hey," he spoke softly as he pulled back from the hug. I didn't want to let him go. He sat back down and pushed a cup my way as I slid onto the red high top chair across from him. "I went ahead and got your peppermint hot chocolate." he said.

He kept his eyes on the cup as I wrapped my hands around it to take in the warmth, thanking him.

An awkward silence came between us as I started to take in his appearance. We had always resembled each other with our matching dark brown hair and blue eyes. Mom used to joke around and tell me if I were to chop all my hair off I would look just like him. It used to bug me when I was younger but after a while I realized they just said it to mess with me. At least that's what I hoped.

But somehow he looked different. I noticed a lot more change than I had the last time I saw him. His eyes had even darker bags under them this time and his face looked washed out and pale. His skin looked blotchy, like he was recovering from a bad case of acne. Matt never got acne. Not only that, but there was no debating that his face was skinnier and he had dropped a lot of weight. This wasn't the normal Matt. It worried me.

"Are you alright? You look sick." I furrowed my eyebrows, pulling my hot chocolate up to take a small sip. The peppermint satisfying my taste buds and warming my insides. I hadn't had one of them in the longest time. I hadn't been to the coffee shop either.

His gaze snapped up to mine, shaking his head as he moved around in his chair. His response was quite quick and snappy. "What? No. I'm fine."

"Well, alright..." my voice trailed off as I took another drink, slouching a bit in my chair. Awkward silence joined us again.

I watched him closely as he tried to avoid my eye contact. He was jumpy, several things catching his attention as he looked around. His fingers kept tapping along his coffee but he never took a drink and he seemed to have trouble sitting still. I didn't like seeing him this way and it was concerning me, along with all the silence.

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