9th night

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Yongsun was in the room looking at the sleeping girl . The funny thing is the room is on fire. The walls and ceiling is burning. She went near the bed to wake up the sleeping ---girl and she was shoked that it was Byul!

What is she doing here ?!

"Byul! Wake up! The room is on fire!" The girl didnt wake up even though Yongsun did everything to wake her. "Minhyuk..." Yongsun heard the name in her right side. It's form a girl in white who went near her.

"W-who's Minhyuk?" Yongsun asked.

The girl pointed Byul.

S-she's Minhyuk?! How could it be ?

The girl faced Yongsun.
"Listen, Yongsun ,Its hard to explain because i dont have time but you're the only relative to the person that i need."

What is she talking about ?
Yongsun was confused.
The girl continued. "This is just a dream, force yourself to wake up . If you fail, there's s possibility that you'll die. And Byul , she cant retrievr all of her lost memory--- and you need to tell her about the name that i said"

"How can i wake up?" Yongdun was scared. She didnt even know why she's in this situation.

Lord,  please help me

The fire started to spread. Its near the bed. Yongsun closed her eyes. She need to concentrate! She doesnt want to end everything here! She still wanted to live! She want to live with the person she loves.

Byul... Byul , Help me!!

In desperate, Yongsun shouted until her throat hurts... She shouted Byul's name.


Byul knows that something bad is happening to Yongsun. She is groaning while sleeping. Maybe a nightmare. Byul tried to wake her up but nothing happened.
Yongsun , wake up !!
Byul pat Yongsun's cheeks, she even shake her body.
Nothing happened!

Byul started to feel Yongsun's heart beat. Its weak that she almost didnt hear it.

Yongsun , please fight!

Yongsun opened her mouth, she wants to shout but she cant. Byul cant think of anything. Byul let out her fangs and but her own lips until it bleed. She let Yongsun drink her blood. Yongsun coughed. After that Yongsun opened her eyes.
Thank goodness.

When Yongsun opened her eyes she saw Byul at her side. She has blood on her lips.

'Wait...I can taste something bitter?!'
Yongsun touched her lips and felt a sticky fluid. Blood.
'Byul gave me her blood?! She saved me ? Wait ! Where am I earlier ? '

Oh yeah , she was stucked in a weird nightmare. She remembered the person in bed earlier in her dreams. He looked like Byul .

'W-who is he?'

And the girl said ----


Byul was confused. "Minhyuk?"

"In my dream, there was a girl. She said I should tell you that name. Or else you cant find your lost memories. "

Byul was shocked after hearing out Yongsun's dream that almost took her life. Is Byul under a spell  of a powerful creature? Who?Why? And why did she heard that name "Minhyuk ?"

"In my dreams" Yongsun continued. "I was inside a burning room"

Byul's chest hurt. She's not sure if she's nervous of scared. She doesnt have an idea.

Byul YiWhere stories live. Discover now