2. Asgard

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I got out of my ship, stretching my legs, and looked at the damage. That was gonna take at least a month to fix, that was if they had all the right parts around here. The red paint was almost all gone and the golden stars Peter and I had painted on had vanished as well. 

I saw a bunch of people in golden armour run my way. I walked towards them but one of them yelled " Halt!" Oh shit. I stopped walking immediately " Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked, sturdily. 

I pointed to  my ship " I crashed." I said. Wasn't it obvious? 

" Are you here to attack us?" another one asked. 

I looked from them, to myself, wasn't that pretty obvious as well? " Do I look like I am?" I asked him. I looked like one of the least intimidating people in the galaxy at that moment.

He looked me up and down and told the rest to put down their swords. 

" Could you maybe, tell me where I can buy new parts for my ship?" I asked them. 

" Oh no," he said " The king first needs to speak to you. It's not everyday that someone crashes onto our planet." 

I raised an eyebrow " The king? Are you serious?" I laughed. I had never met a king before.

They nodded " So if you could follow me." I followed them through the gates and the city. 

" I always wanted to meet a king." I told one of the guards excited. He just rolled his eyes at me, rude much.

We entered the ginormous golden palace and made our way to the throne room. This was exciting, I had never seen such a royal place. I walked in after the guards and came to a halt in front of the throne. Sitting on it was an old man with white hair and a golden eyepatch. He looked like a sophisticated pirate. Next to him, a woman. She was old as well but it was less noticeable on her. She still had beautiful long blonde hair and a inviting smile on her lips. 

I bowed before them, that was the only way I knew to great a king and queen. 

" Who are you and what are your intentions?!" the king asked loudly. 

" Oh," I said taken aback by how stern he was " I'm Lily Quill, I kida, well not kinda, I full on crashed onto your planet. I didn't intend on coming here, believe me, it's just an accident." He stopped me by raising his hand slightly. 

" How did you crash my dear?" the queen asked, more calm and soft. I liked her better than her husband.

" Well, I did a hyper jump, but my body couldn't handle the speed, so I passed out." I smiled awkwardly. 

The king looked at the queen, then back at me " I assume you're free to go then." he said " My son Thor will escort you to the market place where you can buy new parts for your ship." 

I smiled " Thank you, sir." The guards brought me outside where I waited for the prince. 

" Lady Quill." a deep voice said. I turned around. The voice came from a big, muscular blonde man. I noticed his hair was longer than mine. " I am Thor Odinson." he said " I'm escorting you to the market today." 

" Lily." I said holding out my hand for him to shake. 

He did and looked at me. " What a peculiar set of clothes." he told me. 

I looked down at my clothes. I was in my black t-shirt, black pants and new red boots. I looked around at the people that were walking around, they were dressed in pretty and luscious garments. " Thank you." I said, even though I knew it wasn't exactly a compliment. 

We started walking to the city and he started questioning me. " So, where are you from?" he asked. 

I smiled " Technically I'm from Terra, but my brother and I were saved by Yondu and his crew. So we lived on our ship close to Xandar. But I don't live anywhere at the moment actually. I'm on my way to explore the galaxy." 

He looked confused " Terra?" he asked. Didn't he know it? 

" Maybe you know it as Earth." I told him. 

" Oooh Midgard." he nodded " Never been there, heard it's awful though." 

I didn't remember much from it, so I wouldn't know. Suddenly I realised I didn't even know what planet I was on. " And where exactly are we now?" I asked him. 

" Asgard of course." he said. Asgard, huh, never heard of it, but it certainly was beautiful.

He helped me find new parts for my ship and lead me to the crash site. " This is E.T." I told him, patting the ship. 

" She looks like she needs a lot of work," he said " I presume you will need a place to stay the night." 

I looked up at him " I can sleep in the ship." I told him. 

" In the ship?" he asked confused.

" Yeah, I have a comfortable seat you know." I told him, " Blankets." 

He laughed " You'll be staying at the palace lady Quill." he told me. 

" I'm what?" I asked him in shock.

" Staying at the palace. There are plenty of free rooms. It'll be fun." 

I walked up to him " Alright," I told him " Until E.T. is finished. Then I'll be off to explore the galaxy again." I looked at the sky, the sun was already setting. 

" If you'll follow me." Thor said letting me hold his arm. 

" Well thank you prince Thor." I smiled. 

Being invited to stay at the castle by a handsome prince, I should crash on unknown planets more often. 

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