1. Xandar

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- 14 years later -

" Where the hell do you think you're going young lady?!" Yondu yelled while following me through the halls of the ship. 

" Anywhere but here!" I shouted without looking back at him. 

" Oh I don't think so!" he said " 19 year old girls don't belong out there, especially not alone!" 

I stopped walking and turned around to look at him " I don't care!" I yelled and started walking again. I was done with the ravager life. I was done with stealing stuff. And I was done, with being locked on that stupid ship whenever we weren't stealing or deceiving. I wanted to see the galaxy, visit other planets, in freedom. 

I walked into Peter and I's joined rooms and started packing my bag. Clothes, money, my walkman, a bit of food and my guns. 

" Wowowow !" Peter said when he walked in " What's happening here?" he asked confused. 

" I'm leaving." I told him, pushing my stuff inside my bag. 

" No you're not." he said pulling the bag out of my hands. 

" Yes I am." I said taking it back. 

" Then where are you going?" he asked me. 

" I don't know, Xandar, Knowhere, maybe another part of the galaxy." I said, closing the bag. He just looked at me in disbelief. I walked passed him and made my way to the ships. 

My ship, which I had named E.T., was ready to go. I threw my bag inside and looked at Peter. " If you need me just contact me okay." I said. I hugged him and climbed into my ship. " Farewell Star-Lord!" I yelled. 

" Farewell to you too Idiot!" he yelled back. He was the only one I was gonna miss, that was for sure.I put on my mixtape and flew away on the tunes of 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen.

Putting in the coordinates of Xandar I sat back and looked at the galaxy in front of me. Finally free. I had always been too scared to tell Yondu I wanted to leave. But I had finally done it, and I was proud of myself for that. 

I played Defender while listening to the mix my mother had given to me before she got sick. It was filled with her favorite songs, she had a good taste in music. Peter and I used to have dance parties whenever Yondu and the crew didn't need us on their missions.

A few hours later I arrived at Xandar, it looked beautiful from the sky. The first thing I was gonna do was go into a store and buy new shoes. I had always wanted to do that. Yondu always made me wear scruffy old boots I could easily sneak around in. But I wanted something more fun. 

I exited the shop wearing red ankle boots. Now that's what I called style. It would look good with my jacket, but I left it in the ship, people didn't really like Ravagers around these parts. Better not to draw too much attention.

I was eating some food and walking around, taking in the beautiful planet. The three suns shone down on my face, living in a ship, that didn't happen very often. We were lucky if we even saw one sun in a month. It felt incredible. The people walking around weren't loud, or annoying like the ravagers could be. Not pushing and pulling to get from one place to another. They were calmly minding their own business, strolling along, shopping. While I was looking at all the things in the shop windows I finally felt at peace. Like no one was gonna tell me what to do.

But that peace didn't last long though.

" That's the girl who stole my ancient gems!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see where the voice was coming from. I recognized his wrinkly face, those four strips of hair, it was Broker. 

" Shit." I murmured to myself. 

Two Nova Corp agents were already running in my direction. I dropped the fruit I had been eating and ran the other way. I should've known he was gonna recognize me. About three years ago Yondu had send me to steal some gems from his shop. And right before I had left that shop, he had woken up and seen my face. Stupid of me not to cover my face. I was too confident.

I was sprinting towards my ship, but from in front of me other agents came running towards me. So I took a sharp right turn through the fountain and pulled myself up the bridge going over it. There were about ten agents behind me and they all started shooting at me. So I got out my blasters and started shooting behind me without seeing where I was aiming, hoping I would hit them. I only resorted to guns when I was being shot at myself. When I was crawling up my ship I felt a sting in my leg, I felt with my hand and saw blood on my fingertips. 

" You motherfucker!" I yelled, turning around and shooting the guy who had hit me. I jumped into my seat and started to take off. The best day of my life had turned into the worst one in months.

They had been chasing me through the galaxy for an hour. Making me wonder if there was a bounty on my head. I wouldn't be surprised about it. If I wanted to lose them my only choice was a hyper jump. I only had fuel for one or two. I put on 'One Way or Another' by Blondie to hype myself up and pushed the big red button on the control panel. Like always, the speed was too much for me, and I passed out.

When I woke up, the song was still blasting and the ship was crashing down towards the ground. In a panic I grabbed the wheel and started to pull on it with all my strength. It slowed the ship down a bit but I was still gonna hit the ground very hard. 

The ship hit the ground, hit it a few times and and started gliding through the sand. It was pure chaos. And on the last 'Get ya.' of the song the ship came to a halt. I leaned back in my seat and grabbed the bottle of water that was still in the cupholder. Drinking from it I looked outside. A gate, behind it a city and in the middle a big golden castle. It looked mystical. Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

I asked myself " Where the hell am I?"


Hey everyone, here I am again with another story.

This will be a Loki fanfic and, yes there WILL be Avenger storylines involved.

I started it at midnight and I have exams next week, woops.

 I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, cause I really enjoyed writing it.  

That's all for now

Good night

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