6. The garden

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Another two days had passed, and Loki and I had become great friends. We both had an over confident older brother with muscles bigger than their brains and we both had always been the odd one out. He, because he didn't want to be a warrior and I because I didn't want to be a criminal. 

" One time, Peter rearranged my whole bookshelf, because he thought it was funny." I told Loki. 

" I would freak out if Thor ever did that to me." he said. 

" Oh believe me, I chased him around the ship with my taser." I smiled while turning the page in the book I was reading. We had put chairs in front of one of the giant windows of the library, overlooking the garden.

" Thor set me up on a date once," he said " with Lady Sif." 

I looked up, where they a thing? I mean, they didn't talk to each other that much during dinner. " How nice." I said. 

" Oh no," he sighed " We despise each other. She threw a glass of wine at me and I made her trip over her own dress." 

His story made me laugh " I think she's secretly kinda in love with Thor." I told him. 

" Secretly isn't the word I'd use," he smiled " It's pretty obvious." 

" Yeah you're right." I laughed. I put my book down, got up and said " I'm off to bed." It was already 2 in the morning. 

" Let me accompany you." he said standing up and following me. He was such a gentleman. 

" So," I asked him while we were walking " Have there been dates that didn't end in wine being thrown?" 

" Not really." he said with a smile. 

A big smile appeared on my face " You, Loki Odinson, have just won a date with the one and only Lily Quill. " I told him. 

" How did that just happen?" he asked confused, but amused. 

" You had a bad date, I've never been on a date. So you're taking me on a date." I told him. I shocked myself with how confident I was. 

" If you say so." he smiled. 

We arrived at my door. " What do you have in mind?" he asked. 

" Surprise me." I told him. " Goodnight." I smiled and went inside. 

" Goodnight." I could hear him say.

" Where are you taking me tonight?" I asked him while attaching a red piece of metal to the ship. 

" If I told you, that would ruin the surprise." he said, handing me a screwdriver. 

" Oh c'mon, I'm the reason this date is happening." I tried to convince him. I hated surprises. Peter couldn't keep anything a secret and Yondu and the crew's surprises were horrible at best. One time for my birthday they threw me a surprise party. An dthe main activity of that night was breaking into a casino to steal their booze.

" And that doesn't change how a surprise works." he added. 

" You're annoying." I said handing him back the screwdriver. 

" And yet, you asked me on a date." he smiled handing me another screwdriver. 

I gave him a side eye " I can still cancel." I joked " Maybe I'll ask Thor instead." 

" You would never!" he said fake shocked. 

" You're right," I told him " You're too cute to cancel." Right when I said it, I realised what had come out of my mouth. Had I just called him cute? I mean, it wasn't untrue, but I just told him. I just hoped he didn't catch on. And he didn't.

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