12. Frost Giant

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While Loki went down to the vault for some reason he didn't tell me, I went to the infirmary. Fandral was lying on a bed while Volstagg was eating the food that was placed there. When she saw me Sif got up and asked me what had happened. 

" He banned Thor." I said, it was still hard to believe he had really done that. 

" What?" Hogun asked. 

" He called Odin an old man and a fool." I explained " He stripped him from his powers as well." 

Volstagg clearly didn't agree with Odin's choice " If he banns his best warrior he really is a fool." he said. I couldn't disagree with that, if the Jotuns were gonna attack he made a big mistake by banning Thor. 

" He'll find a way to come back though, won't he?" I asked Sif. 

" I hope so." she said, but she wasn't sure.          

" What did Loki say?" Fandral asked. 

" He tried to talk to Odin but, he just yelled at him." I said " He didn't even get the chance to stand up for his brother."


I had been reading in the garden for a few minutes when a guard rushed outside. " What's wrong?" I asked. 

The guard looked worried while he spoke " The Allfather, has fallen into Odinsleep. Prince Loki found him in the vault." 

" What's Odinsleep?" I asked him confused, following him inside. It sounded serious. 

" It's a state of deep sleep wherein he recharges his power." he told me " Prince Loki also asked if you would visit him in his chamber." 

I nodded and went inside. Loki was sitting in front of the fire. " Can I come in?" I asked standing in a half opened door, he nodded. " I heard what happened." I said sitting down next to him " Are you okay?" 

He shook his head while staring into the fire. " He didn't just take the casket when he won the battle." he said quietly " He took me." 

I was confused. " Why would he do that?" I asked. 

" He wanted to use me, to bring peace between the realms." I could see he was angry at Odin but also hurt. " It's so clear to me now, why he always favored Thor. Why he got the throne. Because he couldn't have me sitting on it." 

I looked at him, it hurt me to see him so sad. " It's gonna be okay." I told him. 

But he got up " It's not. I am Laufey's son. " he said " I'm the thing I feared when I was little. I am a Frost Giant." 

" So?" I asked. 

" Aren't you scared?" he asked looking in my eyes. 

" Of course not." I told him " You're still you." 

" Most people would run, scared of what I could do to them. They'd be disgusted." 

I stood up and was standing right in front of him. " You didn't stop talking to me when I told you I'm from Earth. So I don't think it would be fair of me to judge your heritage." I had been friends with all sorts or races from across the galaxy. Green, blue, pink, it didn't matter to me.

He send me a sweet smile and said " That's awfully kind of you." 

Nothing would make me stop loving him. " Give me your hands." I told him. 

" I don't wanna hurt you." he said looking at his hands. 

" You won't." I said and took his hands in mine. I could see he was releaved it didn't hurt me. " I know it's a difficult time." I told him " But I also know how much you want that throne. Now is your chance to show you're a great king. Keep it safe until your father wakes up." 

He nodded " I will." 

" That's the spirit." I smiled softly " Now go to your mother, she will probably know what to do." I told him. He gave me a quick kiss and walked away. 

He stopped in the door " Did I ever tell you you're a ray of sunshine?" he asked. 

" No." I smiled. 

" You truly are." he smiled " My Sunshine." 

He left the room and, I was standing there in front of the crackling fire. 

Sunshine, I liked it. 

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