8. The coronation

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I was standing next to Loki. The whole of Asgard had gathered for the big day. 

Upon arriving I could hear children ask their parents who the girl with the red boots was. " That's prince Loki's girlfriend." I could hear them say. It all felt kinda surreal. In those two weeks I had grown to love him, more than I could ever love anyone else. Who would have thought that me leaving the Ravagers would lead to me falling in love with a prince. It was like I was living in some kind of fairytale.

For the occasion, I had put on a dress once more. It was only the second time.

Thor walked in and the whole crowd started to chear. I had never seen so many people in my life. Thor was flipping his hammer and celebrating. When he reached the front of the room he kneeled, put down his hammer Mjölnir and took off his winged helmet, smiling while winking to his mother. 

The royal family looked like they liked some weird helmets. Odin and Loki both wore their horned golden helmets and the guard was wearing horns as well. On anyone else it would have looked ridiculous, but Loki looked good in them. 

Odin stood up and tapped his scepter on the floor, making the crowd go silent. " Thor, Odinson," he started " my heir, my firstborn." I noticed how Loki slightly looked down when he said that. " Solong entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjölnir, forged in the heart of a dying star." Was that a metaphor? " It's power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. It's a fit companion for a king." 

" Did he really just give us a history lesson on a hammer?" I whispered to Loki, who smiled, happy for the lightheartedness of a joke. 

" I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocents across the nine realms." 

I kinda zoned out until Thor had to pledge his loyalty. " Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin asked him. 

" I swear." he said confidently. 

" And do you swear to preserve the peace?" 

" I swear." 

" Do you swear, to cast aside all selfish ambition, and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realm?" 

" I swear!" Thor shouted lifting his hammer into the air. 

" On this day, I Odin, Allfather proclaim you-" he suddenly stopped talking, like he had sensed something no one else had. " Frostgiants." he said. 

He tapped his scepter to the ground, and he and his sons went straight down to the vault. I looked at Sif and The Warriors Three, but they were as confused as I was. Frigga told me to follow her inside, and we left the coronation.

" Loki told me you are at peace with the frostgiants." I tried to get an explanation. 

" We are." she told me. It was quiet for a moment. 

" So is Thor king now?" I asked her. 

" No," she said " he didn't finish his sentence." she explained.

" What happened?" I asked Loki when he walked in. 

" Some frostgiants tried to steal The Casket of Ancient Winters." he said, also telling his mother. 

" They didn't get it, did they?" Frigga asked him.

" No," he told us " the Destroyer, well, destroyed them."


I'm sorry for the short chapter. 

But the Thor story has finally started.

I'm still deciding if I want her to visit earth yet or not. If she does she could meet Coulson which would be great for further on in the story. But I kinda like her to be at Loki's side... Big decisions. 

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