24. Darling?

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That night I decided to sneak out of my room. I went down a few stairs and entered the detention center. " I'm not talking to any of you." He stated when I walked in. He was facing the other side of the cell. " You sure about that?" I asked walking up to the glass. He turned around, now facing me. " Lily." He said surprised. " Great, at least you remember me." I said. " Of course I remember you. Why wouldn't I?" He asked me. " Cause you clearly forgot who you are." I told him emphasizing the second you. He smiled " Nonsense, I know exactly who I am." I looked at him, he looked horrible. His hair was greasy and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. Then I noticed something else, which confused me. His eyes, something was wrong with them. " What's wrong?" He asked when I was looking at him. " You look horrible." I told him " What happened to you?" He smiled " I'm fine. And now that I found you I'm better than ever. Tell me my darling, how's life?" My darling? He had never called me that. " I thought you were dead." I said. " But I'm not." He smiled. I shook my head " I saw you fall into nothingness. Believe me I'm happy you're alive but, how is this even possible?" " I got lucky." He smiled. It was silent for a moment until he spoke again. " And now that I'm gonna be ruling over Earth I'll be King." I took a step back " You can't do that." I said. " Oh believe me" he smiled " I can. And you'll be my Queen." " Do you hear how crazy you sound?" I asked him " This isn't you Loki." He just kept smiling " It's who I've always been." I had enough of his crazy talk. " I'm going to bed." I told him and walked back to the door. " Goodnight my love." He stated. I didn't even turn around. My love? Now I was certain something happened to him.

The next morning the first thing I did was look for Fury. I found him walking up to the deck. " Director!" I called out for him. " Quill." He said " What can I help you with." He sat down in one of the chairs and I sat down in front of him. " Something's wrong with Loki." I said. He sighed " I think we all know that by now." I shook my head " I mean, he's not himself, something happened to him that made him do all this." Fury looked confused so I told him what I had noticed that night " What color are his eyes?" I asked him. " Blue." He stated. " And you're certain about that?" I asked. " Yes I'm certain, cause they're unnaturally blue." He said, not sure where I was going. " They're supposed to be green." I told him. " So what are you saying?" he asked. " If he mind controls Barton with that stick he has maybe someone did the same to him." He understood what I was saying.

" Did he tell you anything when you talked to him last night?" He suddenly asked. He knew about that? " Only that he wants to be King of Earth." I said. " Which is not gonna happen of course." Fury said. " Yeah I don't think the Queen of England is ready to resign yet." Tony added walking onto the deck. " You're up early." Fury stated. " Yeah, not by choice though, Banner needed some help. And speaking of the big green man, he needs you in his lab?" Tony told me. " Why would he need me?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders " I don't know girl, just go." " I have a name you know." I said getting up " It's Lilly Quill, but you can call me Quill." I walked from the deck to Banner's lab.

When I walked in I saw him look at the scepter. " You asked for me." I said walking in. " I did." He said " Do you have any idea where he got this?" I looked at the scepter, it was beautiful. " No idea. He didn't have in on Asgard so, he must have gotten it somewhere." " The question is where." Banner said " And what can it do." I looked at it again. It gave off a peculiar energy. " We know it can take over minds." I stated " That must count for something." He nodded " And it radiates an enormous amount of gamma energy." Maybe that was what I felt. " It's not something from Earth, I can tell you that." He then said and started typing at his computer again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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