15. For us

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The next day I was back at Frigga's side. She spend her days sitting by her husband, waiting for him to wake up. I knew she was worried, but she didn't show it, she was strong. 

We were talking about the Ravagers again. " Why didn't he just bring you to your father then?" she asked me. We had been talking about why Peter and I became Ravagers. 

" He never told us." I said " Maybe because he needed us himself. I'm just happy they didn't eat us." 

She looked shocked " Eat you?" 

" Yeah, apparently they wanted to eat us when they first got us." I said. It was pretty weird, knowing the people you lived with wanted to eat you when you were younger. Yondu always used it against us. ' I could have let them eat you. But I didn't, so be grateful.' he always said. 

" What will you do when you're back on Midgard?" she asked me. A good question, I hadn't really thought about it, I enjoyed my time on Asgard so much it didn't really cross my mind. 

" Probably go to Missouri, try to find people who knew my mom." I told her.

Out of nowhere we heard a thud from outside the door. Our heads immediately turned to the big double doors. Ice started to make its way inside the room, covering the doors and bits of the wall. Frigga grabbed a sword and told me to stand back. I didn't have my gun or daggers with me, so I did what she said. The doors got kicked open and a frost giant walked in. He was gonna attack Frigga but an even bigger one swatted him away and knocked down Frigga himself. It was Laufey.

I wanted to grab her sword but Laufey froze me. I was frozen up to my upper body, so I couldn't move my arms or legs. 

Laufey walked over to Odin and leaned over him. " It's said, you can still hear and see what transpires around you." he said " I hope that's true, so that you may know, your death came at the hand of Laufey." A dagger made out of ice appeared in his hand. 

That's when I saw Loki run inside. He blasted Laufey down with his scepter and said " And you death came by the son of Odin." He blasted him again and he disintegrated. He blasted the ice around me so I could move again. I immediately hugged him. 

Then Frigga got up and did the same. " Loki," she said " You saved him." I was so proud of him. 

" I swear to you mother" he told her " That they will pay for what they've done today." 

I was about to hug him again when a voice came from the doorway " Loki." 

" Thor." Frigga said, she was elated to see her son again. " I knew you'd return to us." she told him.

But something seemed off about Thor, he looked angry. His eyes were fixed on Loki, who had noticed it as well. " Why don't you tell her? How you send the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me." He said walking towards Loki, who moved away to keep a safe distance. 

" What?" Frigga and I both asked confused. 

" Well I must have been enforcing father's last command." he defended himself. 

" You're a talented liar." Thor told him " Always have been." 

 Loki looked at his brother and smiled " It is good to have you back. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim." He lifted his scepter and shot Thor through the wall. 

Frigga and I were both stunned, we couldn't believe what had happened. " I think it's the safest if both of you stay here." Loki told us and exited the room.

We both sat down and looked at the hole in the wall. " Why would he send the Destroyer?" I asked Frigga. 

" To keep the throne." She said. Was he so adamant on keeping it? Would he kill his own brother to be king one day? 

A flash of light came through the hole in the wall. At the exact same moment Odin woke up. The flashes kept coming making me worry. So I got a horse and made my way to where they seemed to be coming from, the rainbow bridge. 

Odin was there before me, I jumped off the horse and ran towards the end of the bridge that was now broken. " I could have done it father." I heard in the distance " I could have done it." I was almost there " For you, for all of us." 

When I had finally reached the edge I saw what was happening, Odin was holding onto him. Right when I looked down at Loki, ready to help, he let go of the scepter. 

" No!" Thor and I yelled in unison. He fell down, into the dark abyss. 

I stared down at the universe beneath me, he was gone. 

I didn't say anything when we rode back to the palace. I kept my emotions inside. I followed Thor and Odin to the throne room where Frigga was waiting. They told her, she cried, they hugged. But I didn't really register what was going on. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and hope it was all a nightmare.

That night I made my way to the library. I sat down at the table were Loki and I always sat when we were reading. A tear fell down my face. That's when I broke. I cried my heart out. He was gone. 

Ravager {Loki X OC}Where stories live. Discover now