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Hi everyone my name is Lindsay, I'm 19 and I go to Mount Hebron. I'm at school finishing up my last year of high school with all A's and B's. I just got home from school and got a letter in the mail from Frost burg University also known as my dream school, I've applied to West Virginia, Towson, University of Maryland, and Clark but so far no response but I opened the letter and screamed. " I GOT ACCEPTED INTO FROST BURG!!!!" I was so happy I called my friend, Mandy. I'm so happy I got accepted into college and that I finally get to see the real world. I'm so happy I couldn't stop jumping and running around the house I decided to drive to Matt's house. Matt is my current boyfriend of almost four years he's always been there for me when I need him most and is always at my house sleeping over and making sure I'm ok. I knocked on the door and rung the doorbell. Hey, Lindsay what's up? MATT I GOT ACCEPTED INTO FROSTBURG!!!! Matt immediately picked me up and kissed me, YAY LINDSAY. We went to his car and we went to Unos for a celebration dinner I was impressed, Matt paid for both of our meals and he twirled me around like a princess I'm so happy with Matt but the fact that I'm leaving for college in a couple of months makes me sad but excited but I don't want Matt to break up with me you know.

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