''Uh, I think 'll pass.''

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* Madison *

It has been a week and a day since Matt showed up at my place and I have been avoiding him ever since.; which was working out perfectly.  Everytime, I saw him, I'd bend my head down and pass him, not daring to look up. 

I haven't told anybody about the kiss, not even to Carter or Lauren and trust me it hasn't been easy pretending everything's fine. I've noticed Lauren's getting suspicious and I'm trying my best to cover it up.

Also, Matt and I haven't talked for a whole week, which means we haven't even made any progress on out project. Plus, Mr. Roudel has been talking about the project all the time; about how we have to hurry up and start working on the power points and stuff.

I wanted a good grade, but I also couldn't just go to Matt and talk to him. I was still angry at him for kissing me in the first place. However I'll have to admit something, I did kiss him back, so that kind of makes me guilty too, not as much as he is but also a bit.

The thing is, I have been thinking about it all the time and as much as I hate to admit it, Matthew is a good kisser. As much as he hurt me, I still kept remembering how it felt to have his lips on mine. I know that's wrong and I shouldn't be feeling it, but ugh I just can't help myself.

The thing is, I like Carter, like really like him. He's cute, nice and he's such a sweetheart and I'd hate to see him upset or mad at me, especially after the times he helped me when I was sad. Now that I think about it, I really miss Carter.

I know I saw him like 2 weeks ago or something, but I still couldn't stop thinking about him all the time. I really missed his warm hugs and his face. It's just that, whenever I was with him, he always found a way to make me smile. I felt better when he was around.


It was my last class, before I could go home and I had Physics. Last week, a day after the whole kiss thing, I had the Physics exam and because of everything Matt did to me, I haven't been able to think straight, so I was pretty sure my Physics exam would be a disaster.

As much as I hate Physics, I somehow always figured out a way to get at least a C or a D, but I wasn't so sure this time it would be the same. I was an 'A' straight student in every subject, except in Physics. It was the only subject I didn't like at all and I even have a tutor helping me out.

''Good afternoon class!'' My teacher's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. After we said hello, he cut the crap and began handing us our tests.

''So, I have devided the tests from the lowest to highest grade.'' He said, taking a pile of paper, out of his briefcase. Some groans filled the classrom and I joined. Great, now the whole class will see how bad I did and they'll probably make fun of me because of it.

''So, we have Jannis Foster-'' The teacher said, walking over to Jannis's desk. She took the test and actually bursted into tears. '' Chris Hunter'' The teacher continued.

Mr. Keegan kept giving back some tests, before calling my name. ''Madison Rogers'' I shot my head up and saw him make his way to me. He placed the test on my desk and shook his head. ''Not your best Madison. Please stop at my desk, before you leave, okay?'' I looked up and nodded.

He went on with giving my classmates their exams and I too the time to take a better look of my test.  There was a giant red 'F' on the right corner next to the '39%' score. I let out a groan, running my fingers through my hair.

Finding My Way Back ♡ (M.Espinosa ft. C.Reynolds)Where stories live. Discover now