Reindeer(s) are better then people part 2

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Kristoff POV 

Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't you think that's true? "Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you. Everyone one of em's bad except you" I did the voice of Sven. "Thank you buddy" I responded. People smell better than reindeer. Sven don't you think I'm right? "That's once again true for all except you." You got me, let's call it a night. Goodnight, don't let the frostbite.

I don't need a crown or a castle. One's a headache, one is a hassle. I only need a sled and my reindeer. You might think I'm ragged and rural, but I know when reindeers are plural that I'm suppose to say Reindeer. Why didn't I get a real song? 

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